Chapter 18(Pt1)B&C💜💛

Start from the beginning

"Mom, you know I'm responsible, so can you please just trust me and with this."

"It's not about me trusting you. I just don't trust the people out there."

"I know you're protective of me, but you're being supper overprotective right."

"Excuse me! I glared at her. I'm your mother. That's my job!" I snapped.

"Well, You being totally unfair right now."She muttered under her breath but I heard her.

I pulled up in the parking space at her school and turned my car off. Turning to face her "How am I being unfair?"

"All my friends have YouTube..I'm a teenager that's what we do it's not like I'm posting naked photos and videos for the whole world to see, but you're acting like it!"

I looked at her taking back by her outburst "Bella get out of my car and go to class."

"What!" she looked at me, stunned.

"You heard me go to class we will discuss this later cause you're about to piss me off."

"Fine," She huffed as she throw her bag over her shoulder and shoved the car door open.

"Have a good day at you."

"Yeah," she slammed the door behind her. I know she didn't just slam my car door she most be out of her mind. She's lucky we on her campus right now cause she would have gotten pop.


Shawn and I were currently in the break room where Meek and Esposito supposed to be joining us so we can tell them about our ongoing relationship.

"She has a YouTube so what, Bey plenty of people her age do. Why? Did she post something inappropriate?" Shawn asked.

"No, but that's not the point."

"Well, what's the point then?"

"She's oversharing."

"Bey, I think maybe you were too hard on her... she's a teenager that's what they do. It better that you know about it and be able to monitor it then have her do it behind your back."

"It just she's my baby you know, and I want to protect her...I admit maybe it can be unbarring at times, but I want to keep her safe, isn't that my job as her mother."

"I understand..what I have learned is that sometimes we can't stop bad things for happening to our love ones all we can do is pray that it never happens, but we still have to let them live their life's."

I sighed "I know..I'm still finding it hard to let go she's my baby"

"And she will always be your baby YouTube or no YouTube so Let her have her YouTube under the condition that you will supervise it."

I smiled "You give great advice Mr. Carter."

He chuckled "I learned a thing or two."

I glanced over my shoulder when I heard the door opened following by Meek and Esposito walking in.
and we exchange greetings.

"So what is this, a family meeting?" Esposito asked, and I chuckled.

"No, but there's something Shawn, and I wanted to talk to you both about."

Meek eyes shifted between Shawn and me, "okay."

"Beyoncé and I are together" Shawn let out.

"Whatcha mean?" Esposito asked making me rolled my eyes.

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