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{Victoria's POV}

I was brought into a room, with a round table and tv. Derek and his team had started asking me questions about who I'd seen in the past 2 months. Like everyone. I don't even know all the people I saw yesterday. Let alone a whole 2 months.

"C'mon Victoria you need to have seen more than 6 people." Derek pestered. Which only made my anxiety worse. I tapped the pen against the notepad, trying to think. I wrote down two more names, before biting the end of the pen in concentration.

"Babe c'mon-" "Derek maybe she would get more written down if you didn't bother her ever 10 seconds." J.J said with a pointed look. "Alexander Gallagher." I whispered. My eyes shot open. "Alexander Gallagher!"

"Who's that?" Derek asked immediately. "Alexander Gallagher is my ex boyfriend from college. We ended on bad terms, I saw him in a coffee shop in early June. He didn't say anything to me. Just stared." I explained.

"Garcia do a background check on Alexander Gallagher." Mr. Hotchner said. He told me to call him Aaron.

"Oh. Yikes. Uhh he went to UCLA for two years and then dropped out without reason, then there's nothing on him for 6 years. Sir he doesn't show up anywhere. There's like NO signs of him anywhere. And then he popped back up a year ago in Richmond, he then moved to Washington D.C 5 months ago."

"That's when I moved here, I moved from Richmond." I murmured. "Sending you his address now." Penelope said quickly. I had grown to love Penelope in the short hour I've known her. Along with the rest of the team actually.

"Sir, there's more. Another ex of his reported a stalker issue, Abagail Rodriguez, was later found dead in her apartment, 28 stab wounds, but the cause of death was her slit throat."

I was sent to Penelope's 'bat cave'. Which was okay with me because she always showed the best hospitality.

40 minutes later Alex was brought in, restrained in handcuffs, Derek tightly gripping his arm. They took him into the interrogation room, having me stand behind the glass. They left him there alone for about 20 minutes, before Derek walked in.

"Ahh if it isn't Tori's little crush." Alex spat bitterly. "Tell me, Alexander-"

"Alex." He corrected Derek. "Alexander. Tell me, does the name Abagail Rodriguez ring any bells?" Derek asked, holding a closed file in his hand. "She was an ex girlfriend." Alex said rolling his eyes.

"Are you sure she wasn't your first victim?" Derek said bitterly, sliding the pictures of the crime scene on the table for Alex to see. Alex didn't look down though, he simply stared at Derek. "Why did Abagail end things between you?" Alex swallowed thickly. "She just said I wasn't the one." He said lowly.

"And now why did Victoria break up with you?" Alex's eyes narrowed at the mention of my name. "Ooh touchy topic." Derek smirked. "Why did you end things?" Aaron asked from next to me. "He was overprotective and very controlling. I couldn't take it anymore. He just always needed to feel dominant and his ego was nearly untouchable from how big it was." I explained.

Aaron made a phone call to Derek, telling him was I had just said. "Was it because you were too lanky for her? Or maybe she found someone more appealing." Derek taunted. I could see Alex starting to tense up. "Or maybe you just didn't satisfy her, if you know what I mean." That made Alex snap. "SHE LOVES ME!"

I jumped slightly when his hand came down on the table. "I wanna send you in there with Derek." Aaron said. "But- but I don't know what to say." I said quickly.

"You just need to get him to admit to murdering Abagail." He said. I bit my lip, thinking. "Alright." I said softly. Aaron opened the door for me, as I walked into the room.

"Victoria!" Alex sighed, looking me up and down. I nodded, sitting down. Derek stood next to me, his hand resting on my shoulder. "Don't touch her." Alex sneered. "Were you going to do that to me?" I asked quietly, looking down at the dead girl. My eyes pricked with tears.

"Oh no, baby of course not." Alex reaches for my hands making me flinch away. "Why did you do it? I knew her. She wasn't my best friend, but I knew her." I mumbled. "Princess, I needed to. She was gonna have me locked up. I had to end her life."

I nodded and stood up. "No! Where are you going?! Get back here!" He yelled. Derek escorted me out of the room, his and resting on the small of my back. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!"

"He's going away for a long time. I told you we would catch him." Derek said pulling me into a hug. "Thank you." I sniffed, so glad it was over. "I know you like him Victoria! You were telling Lyla about it over the phone!" Alex yelled, hearing him through the glass.

"You didn't hear that." I mumbled to Derek. "Oh I heard it babygirl." He smirked down at me. My cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, embarrassment taking over. "Can we pretend that you didn't and you have no idea?" I gave him my puppy dog eyes, my button lip jutting out.

"Mmm, no. But how about, instead you buying me coffee, I take you out to dinner, as a date. And then we head to my house, maybe watch a movie, have a little more wine..." the smirk never left his face. "Now, I really like the sound of that." I said, biting my lip slightly.

"I'm happy, cause we're headed to dinner right now."

His True Babygirl // Derek Morgan //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ