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{3rd person POV}

"Patient unresponsive." "Experiencing traumatic brain injuries." "Woman, age 28, unresponsive." "Male, age 30, going into cardiac arrest!"

The words hung thickly in the air, the paramedics doing whatever they could to keep the two alive until they got to the hospital. Each member of the team stood at the scene, watching their friends being rolled into the back of ambulances. They had caught the unsubs, and were thoroughly surprised and disgusted by who they had arrested.

But she and her husband admitted to the crime, they were proud. Skylar didn't know who it was, they had worn masks and taken precautions to make sure she had no idea. You would think Skylar would know the sound of her best friend's voice after all this time. "We're losing him!"

"Get the defibrillator!" "Woman is seizing!" It felt like time had stopped, but everything was moving so fast. Hotch's phone rang, grabbing his attention. "Hello?" "Are they okay? Derek hung up and never called back." Penelope was worried sick, she hated having to just sit back and wait. She needed to know if they were okay. And Hotch was struggling to say that they weren't.

"There was an explosion... they're being rushed to the hospital." There were few times when Hotch got overly emotional, but here he was, holding back tears. Derek was one of his closest friends. And Skylar, Skylar was like a daughter to him. She looked up to him, admiring how sophisticated he was. Jack loved Skylar, she treated him like a little brother. She had slithered her way into everyone's heart, and they weren't ready to say goodbye.


4 hours, that's how long Skylar had been in surgery. Derek was resting, he was suffering from broken ribs, a concussion, and had a punctured lung. But... compared to Skylar anyone would agree that, that would be heaven. She was undergoing brain surgery, her skull cracked. Broken wrist, brain swelling, dislocated shoulder, malnourished, her heart had stopped a total of 6 times since surgery started. She had been put into a coma, doctors said it was her best chance at survival, and if she woke up on her own that she would survive. But if she didn't, then the odds weren't in her favor.

The team took one glance at her and decided that they didn't want to see her. It wasn't that they didn't care, it was that when they looked at her, they didn't see Skylar. They saw a bruised and beaten girl with a tube down her throat, hooked up to countless machines. They didn't want to see her, because she already looked dead.

The team hadn't told Derek who was behind all of this. They were scared of his reaction, of what he could possibly do. They would tell him eventually of course, but now wasn't the time. He needed to rest.

{Skylar's POV}

"Hey babygirl." Derek's voice was smooth and gentle, making a warm smile spread across my face. "Hi." He ran his hands through my hair, kissing me softly. "What are you doing here?" I asked, I thought he hated me. "What do you mean, pretty girl? I live here. We moved in a week ago. I didn't wanna stay away from my fiancé any longer." His smile was so wide, wider than I've ever seen.

Fiancé? Moved in?

{Derek's POV}

"Is Skylar okay?" My voice was raspy, raspier than usual. JJ and Emily spared each other a glance, causing a nervous feeling to spread through me. "She's in a coma. She's not doing well." Emily said softly. I didn't save her. I failed my one job.

"Well when is she gonna wake up?" I asked, trying to sit up. "She needs to wake up on her own, doctors said it may be her only chance at survival." JJ explained. "Reid... what are her chances?" He avoided eye contact, seemingly not wanting to answer. "Reid." I said more sternly. I wasn't fucking around, I wanted to know. I needed to know.

His True Babygirl // Derek Morgan //Where stories live. Discover now