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{Skylar's POV}

I gasped for air, the oxygen feeling foreign to my lungs. "We'll be back." The lady with unruly hair said. I didn't respond, after being submerged in water, the air kinda gets away from you, ya know... cause you're fucking drowning.

I looked to the clock on the wall, 3:26 pm. Why they always left at this time, I don't know. But they did. And I prayed the team would come today. It was getting harder and harder to wake up every morning. Or not let myself inhale the water, or let myself succumb to their torture. Everyday was another fight to keep the will to live going, I didn't want to live much frankly. My will to live stopped awhile ago. But I knew people who wanted me to live, to prosper and live a long, healthy life. So that's what I held onto.

I held onto Marcus, Belle, the team. Lyla, even my coworkers. And I held onto to Derek. I don't care if he doesn't love me anymore, I know he cares. He wouldn't have kept checking up on me if he didn't, he wouldn't have brought the umbrella when it started raining the other day, he wouldn't have done any of that if he didn't care. Even if a single ounce of him cared, that's okay. He knows I'm sorry, he knows I love him. And he knows I'm trying to fix everything. I wanted so badly to deny my love for him when the torture got too much to bear.

But I never turn back when I love someone. I never just let go if I truly love them. And I won't say that I don't. Because I do love Derek, and I am incredibly sorry for what I put him through. I was currently hanging from the ceiling, my feet a good space away from touching the ground. My shoulders felt as if they were gonna snap any second. The ropes burning my wrists, making them raw and sore.

"Okay Skylar, you got this." I grabbed the rope with my tied hands, trying to loosen the knot. "C'mon..." I was growing impatient. My shoulders straining, ready to pop out of their sockets. "Skylar." I jumped at the sound of my name. I turned my head, seeing Derek... alone.

"No, no! Derek go back! Get out of here!" I panicked, causing me to move too much, my shoulder popping out. I cried out in pain, and soon Derek was by my side.

"No, please go home. You can't be here." I cried, both in panic and from the excruciating pain in my shoulder. "They aren't here." He said, stepping up on his toes to reach the ties around my hands. I whimpered when he accidentally knocked my shoulder. "Sorry, babygirl." My eyes widened at the pet name. Babygirl... he hasn't called me that in months.

"I'm gonna get you home, alright? I'm gonna keep you safe." His arm wrapped around my thighs, keeping me from falling to the ground when my wrists were free. "Ow..." I whined. "I know, I know it hurts baby. I'm gonna get you outta here." He kisses my forehead, setting me on the ground gently.

"We need to run, can you do that? Are you okay?" He asked, slipping his jacket over me. "I don't know, I haven't eaten in a while." I answered honestly. "Alright, c'mon." He slipped his arm under my thighs, his other arm coming up under the middle of my back. He picked me up bridal style. How he could run quickly and carry me is beyond my understanding. But he managed to, somewhat easily.

I heard a car door shut, my heart dropping. "Derek you need to get out of here." I whispered, trying to get out of his hold. "No, I'm not leaving you." He persisted. "Derek they're gonna kill you—" "Hands up!" I screamed at the sudden yell. I turned my head towards the exit a few feet in front of us.

"Spence?" "Derek what are you doing here?" Hotch scolded. I turned my head, seeing Hotch at the other exist. "I had to save her, I wasn't going to sit around and wait to see if she came back alive." Derek hissed, visibly angry and upset about the situation. "What time is it?" I asked. "4:56" Spencer replied, making my blood run cold.

"We need to get Derek out of here, if they see him they'll shoot him on the spot." I rushed out. "I have a vest on." Derek tried to ease my nerves. "Oh yeah? Last time I checked your vest doesn't keep your fucking head safe. If a bullet goes through your head, your vest won't do jack shit." I said coldly, earning a cautious look from everyone. "I refuse to lose someone else. I can't." I mumbled.

Derek's eyes went soft, thinking for a moment. "Where are the cars parked?" He asked. "Back exit." Emily said, throwing him the keys. "I'll take Skylar, you guys get the bastards who did this." I tried to focus for a moment, but it felt like I was spinning. My head suddenly feeling too heavy to hold up. "Skylar?"

I reached out for something or someone to grab onto, but everything went black.

{Derek's POV}

I was quick to step behind her, when she started to fall. "Derek get her out of here and to a hospital. Garcia will send you to the nearest one." Hotch ordered. And that's when the sound of car doors began to shut. Two slammed doors meant two UnSubs about to get caught.

I sprinted out the back exit, carrying Skylar in my arms. She was limp, but somehow almost weightless. I put her in the back seat, strapping her in quickly. I didn't bother with my own, just starting the car and stepping on the gas.

"Derek?! Do you have her?!" Garcia's voice rang through the phone. "Yeah I got her, I need you to get me to the nearest hospital." I said, trying to remain calm. My adrenaline was pumping, I needed to get her to safety. I needed her to be healthy again. There was a pause, it was a very short pause. But enough for me to hear the even beeps coming from beside me. "You need to—" "Wait just a minute." Her voice went quite.

The beeping became more prominent, making me search around. And that's when I saw the bomb, 23 seconds. That's all I had. I slammed on the brake, lunging out of my seat. I ripped open the car door, trying to pull Skylar's unconscious body out of the car. If she got more bruises so be it, at least she'll be alive to complain about them.... hopefully. The beeping got louder and more frequent, making my heart race uncontrollably.

I got her out and all I had to do was run, run like our lives depended on it... because they did. I had Skylar's life in my hands, I didn't give a flying shit about if I survived, I just needed to know her heart would still be beating tomorrow. So I one job, just one.


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His True Babygirl // Derek Morgan //Where stories live. Discover now