I can be the Rock

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Warning ⚠️: abuse

{Victoria's POV}

Let's just say waking up this morning wasn't the best feeling in the world. The pounding headache and nauseous feeling made me want to crumble up in a ball and die. Now I remember why I hadn't gotten myself drunk in such a long; hangovers suck.

Derek was being very sweet about everything though, he even said I was a cute drunk. "JJ told me to ask you about last night." My body stiffened. "What about last night?" I asked carefully. I didn't know how Derek would react to me practically breaking a man's face against a table and nearly dislocating his shoulder. Most people didn't react... well.

"Something about a 'real' FBI agent." Derek said, using is hands to make quotations around the word 'real'. "Oh.. him. He's just- ya know. You're everyday prick." I mumbled, taking a sip of the orange juice. "I wanna know the full story, baby." He said, giving me a look that said he wasn't gonna put up with my vague half-ass answers.

"Basically long story short, dude was saying he's an FBI agent, very obviously was not. Invited him to the table made him look like a dumbass, called me a smartass, told him I had a good ass. And then he asked where my badge was, said I was just the girlfriend. And then he mentioned how I probably slept around, and then I kinda just disregarded it and didn't say much about it, then he said how I didn't deny sleeping around and felt the need to grab my ass." That, that right there got his full attention.

"And I played along for a few seconds before grabbing his arm, shoving it up behind his back and smashed his face into the table, his nose was definitely broken and y'know that's what he gets for feeling the need to grab me inappropriately after I said I was taken. But even if I wasn't taken probably would've decked him in the face for touching me like that. And I said that if he were to touch other girls like that he would most definitely get pepper sprayed." I waited for his reaction.

"You really didn't need that pepper spray. You get more attractive the more I learn more about you." He leaned forward kissing me. "You really smashed his head into the table?" He asked, and I nodded. He groaned softly, kissing me again, his hands sliding up my waist to hold my face.

"Most people get scared when they find out I can.. well beat up someone." I murmured as he nuzzled his head in my neck. "S'not scary, more so hot that you don't need someone to protect, because you can protect yourself. That's really hot. I mean as long as you aren't going out on the streets to beat up random civilians than I'm not worried." He said, I giggled lightly at the last part.

"No, solely for self protection." I assured him. "Speaking of protecting, you have a job to get to." I said, pushing against him lightly. "Don't remind me." He muttered, running his hands over his. He hadn't put a shirt on yet, his abs on full display. My eyes were practically glued to the muscles that were stretching across his abdomen as his arms raised above his head.

"You're so hot." I mumbled, immediately regretting it the minute I realized it slipped from my mouth. "Mm, do you now? Last night I was pretty, this morning I'm hot. You should choose a side, babygirl." "You should choose a side, babygirl." I mimicked in a high pitched voice, before getting up off the bed.

Bring us the money in cash tonight. You know how much.

My eyes ran over the text. He wanted $1500 in cash?! I felt my heart rate pick up, as I quickly shot Lyla a text

He wants fucking cash, I need to bring cash I can't just transfer the money

It'll be fine babe don't worry. I have you covered, I'll drop the cash off later today. Should I come to your parents with you??

His True Babygirl // Derek Morgan //Where stories live. Discover now