Take a Hint

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{Victoria's POV}

It had been a week and a half since Kyle's funeral. And I wanted a night out, I was starting to feel a little bit better, and Derek has mentioned JJ, Emily, and Garcia were having a girls night. They had thought to invite me which I was grateful for. Lyla has given me an outfit to borrow, she was also there for me as emotional support and thought I deserved to feel like a 'bad bitch' tonight.

I'll admit, I did feel pretty hot

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I'll admit, I did feel pretty hot. Not to mention how Derek was trying to talk me out of going now.

"How am I meant to be away from you when you look like that? Every guy in the club will drop dead from how gorgeous you look." He gave me a small pout. "Please Derek, you and I both know that if I were to stay that I wouldn't be in this outfit for too long." He smirked at me, "You know me too well."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah I know myself too. But the girls will be here soon, I should head downstairs." I said, grabbing purse and slinging it across my body. "Do you have the pepper spray, babe?" I heard Lyla call from the kitchen.

"Lyla, I'm going to the club with 3 FBI agents do I really-" "I will make you take the taser if you don't pipe down." She argued. "I don't need you getting kidnapped and I know that mister muscles over here would also prefer if you didn't get taken so for the sake of both of us, take the damn spray." She handed me the pepper spray with a wide smile.

"I would prefer if you didn't-" "Shut up." I gave Derek a pointed glare. I hugged Lyla goodbye, kissing Derek as well, before leaving.


"Thank you guys again for inviting me, I needed a night out." I thanked the girls sat around me. "No problem." Emily said, smiling softly at me. "How hard was it leaving the house in that? I'm sure Derek tried to stop you." JJ commented, taking a sip of her drink. "Wasn't too hard, did try to convince me to stay." I replied with a laugh.

"I'm gonna go get another drink, do any of you want another?" I asked, standing and pulling my skirt down a bit. "Yes, please." Penelope said, scooting in a bit so I could get through.

I made my way to the bar, leaning against the counter. "May I please have one Raspberry and vodka lemonade and one beer?" I asked the bartender. "Of course." He said, as he started mixing my drink.

I felt a hand on the small of my back making me stand straight and give the person a weird look. "Don't touch me." I said, moving his hand away. "Just trying to get your attention." The man smiled. I hummed an unamused hum, looking back at the bartender and he poured Penelope's beer.

I glanced back at the man who hadn't left my side. "Suit is a pretty interesting choice of clothing for a club." I said. "Just got off the job, came from the FBI." He said. "Mm, what department?" "That's classified." I rolled my eyes, classified my ass.

My lips perked up at the thought of him meeting the other people at my table. "Would you like to come sit with me and my friends?" I asked as the bartender handed me the drinks. "Sounds fun." He said back.

His True Babygirl // Derek Morgan //Where stories live. Discover now