No Fixing

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"Baby, at least let me try. I can see it in your eyes, you need help with fixing yourself." Fixing? So I was just a broken toy to him?

"Fixing? How about you try actually talking to me instead of profiling me! I'm not some broken toy that needs to be taken to the workshop because it doesn't work properly. I don't have nuts and bolts, I have a heart and brain. Quit profiling how I feel and actually ask me!" I was fuming. I'm not meant to be fixed. Help, that's different, but fix.

"You're taking this out of proportion, Victoria, I was just-" "You were just profiling me! 'I can see it in your eyes' that's profiling!" He stood up, when I pushed past him. "Victoria, you don't know anything about profiling. You're a waitress, not an FBI agent." I let out a breath of anger. "Right, I'm just the broke waitress who needs her boyfriend to fix her up! I forgot about that!" God, I really wanted to slap him.

"Will you just listen to me? I'm trying to help you!" He yelled, making anger bubble in my chest. "No, you said it yourself! You're trying to fix me Derek! I'm not one of those criminals you drag in!" His jaw clenched in anger. "I didn't say you were." "Then stop acting like I am. My parents are criminals, not me."

"Prostitution is illegal in all states except Nevada." He stated. An ache filled my chest, and my heart fell to my stomach. "I'm sorry, Vic-"

"Fucking save it Derek. I'm not putting up with this right now." I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my contacts. "Victoria, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." I scoffed, "Oh no, you were thinking. Just thinking about how your broke girlfriend had to go to prostitution to get by, and suddenly she's a criminal."

Calling Lyla...

"Come on, pick up, pick up." I muttered, turning my back to Derek. "Victoria?" Lyla asked through the phone.

"Hi Ly, can you come pick me up, I'm kinda stranded right now." I said, avoiding Derek's stare. "You know I would babe, but I told you that Thomas and I were going to my parents' place. We're already 4 hours into the drive. We can turn around if you-"

"No, no. It's fine, I can call someone else. It's alright. Enjoy your time, tell Tom I said hi." "I will, get home safe and call me if you need money for an Uber, I'll Venmo you. Alright? Promise me." I took a deep breath. "I promise Lyla." She sighed in relief. "Love you, Tori." "I love you, too Ly."

Calling Penelope...

"Will you stop calling people, I can take you home." Derek said, frustration lacing his voice. "Hey! I'm probably busy right now, you know the drill, I'll get back to you as soon as possible!" Voice mail.

I felt bad calling his teammates but I didn't know who else to call.

Calling Spencer...

"Victoria? Is everything alright?" He picked up right away. "Uhm, actually can you come pick me up? I'm at Derek's place." I said, still turning my back to Derek. "I can drive you home, babygirl." Derek stressed, but I was too angry to get in a car with him.

"I don't want to get in a car with you right now, Derek. Alright?" I snapped, covering the microphone so Spencer wouldn't hear. "Uh, yeah of course. I'll be there in 7 minutes." I laughed lightly at the accuracy.

"Thank you, Spence." I said, eternally grateful for him. "Victoria, I said I was sorry. Let me drive you home." I clenched my fists, nails digging into my palms. "No, no. Hey, don't do that." Derek said, reaching for my hands. "No! Derek you just called me a criminal, practically shoved the fact, that I had to sell my body around in the streets, in my face!"

His True Babygirl // Derek Morgan //Where stories live. Discover now