"Don't joke about that, Gahyeon! I know what you meant but don't mention those fuckers in this house" her older sister scolded her.

"You're right, I'm sorry sis" Gahyeon said softly kissing Siyeon's cheek "I was happy about the fact that I'll spend my day with someone for once and I got carried away"

"Minji and I are not 'someone' then?" Siyeon asked glaring at Gahyeon who just sighed.

"You know what I mean Singnie. You are my family, both of you and Dongie as well. But I would like to get to know someone outside of the family too" the younger girl said scratching the back of her neck.

"I get it, little one. You've been with us for more than thirty years. It's normal that you want to go out there and explore, especially since you can blend in with the humans" Siyeon smiled, ruffling her hair again.

"If you keep doing that I will need to go fix my hair again before leaving" Gahyeon chuckled.

"Uuuh, are you making yourself pretty for someone?" Siyeon teased her younger sister and ruffled her hair again. She hated to admit it, but that pink hair really fit Gahyeon's figure perfectly.

"Not for someone, I just want to look pretty in general, Singnie" Gahyeon reasoned, rolling her eyes. Why did her sister always need to be so nosy?

"Okay okay, but I wouldn't worry about that" Siyeon teased, ruffling Gahyeon's hair again messing it up pretty badly "You look pretty anyway!"

Gahyeon sighed and pushed Siyeon back and they started a little vampire fight, allowing themselves to enjoy their powers outside of dangerous fights. They both ended up on the floor, Gahyeon on top of Siyeon as they laughed loudly. The younger girl hugged Siyeon tightly and they stayed like that for a couple of minutes. She was so grateful towards her older sister, but she rarely had the strength to bring that up.

"I think it's time for you to go to college, Gahyeonie" Siyeon laughed, lightly pushing her sister off of her.

"Well I need to go fix my hair up first real quick. It looks like I just had sex" she chuckled, standing up.

"What are you talking about? You shouldn't even know what 'sex' is!!" Siyeon said pretending to be shocked wanting to annoy Gahyeon.

"I won't even comment on that" Gahyeon replied walking towards the bathroom to fix her hair again. When she was done she took her bag and she put a hand on the handle of the front door.

"I'll be back after classes with Yubin then, if she wants to of course. Please Singnie, don't act weird. She's my only friend and I don't want you to scare her away!" Gahyeon said with a chuckle running out the door as she saw something fly towards her. Siyeon probably had thrown a plate or a glass at her, not like that could hurt her. Siyeon sighed as Gahyeon left. She was really looking forward to her dose of blood this morning. What was taking Minji so long anyway?


As soon as she left home, Minji ran to Handong's bar, hoping to find the girl safe and sound. She probably was too tired and drained to stand up and Minji felt bad for forgetting about her. She entered the bar and she wasn't surprised to find it empty. She quietly walked upstairs, opening Dongie's bedroom door and walked in. She wasn't surprised that the girl was still sleeping so she went to her side and shook her slightly. Handong groaned and rolled over to face Minji, slowly opening her eyes.

"What... are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining... It's always nice to see a hot woman in my bedroom in the morning" Handong spoke with a sleepy voice, yawning a few times as she pulled Minji down.

The black haired vampire somehow managed not to fall on the Chinese girl

"I told you I would check on you this morning. How are you feeling Dongie?" Minji asked softly, checking the Chinese girl's neck where she could still see the two red dots. She brushed her fingers on them and Handong let out a soft moan remembering the amazing feeling she felt yesterday.

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