Chapter 2//

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Chapter 2! Yeah buddie:)


I'll try and update every wednesday or friday!

|| Harry's POV ||

"Li. What. Are. You. Doing." I ask Liam, who's messing with mine and Niall's hair.

"You and Niall are joining the quiff movement." He smiles, grabbing the brush and using it on me.

"Woah! Not the Curls! Curls get the girls!" I say with a cheeky grin.

Liam rolls his eyes. "Mhm. Sure. When was the last time you got laid?" I think about it. After a few minutes, I cross my arms and deal with the defeat. "That's what I thought."

"Fuck you."

"Now Harold, I'm sure that wasn't very kind. I expect an apology." He says.

I stare at him, an idea forming in my head. "Alright fine. Liam, I'm sorry that you haven't had a girlfriend in a year and that you don't get any either."

"In my defense, I'm gay."

"Well, in my defense I'm a loner."

"What the hell are you two going on about?" Niall cut in, a confused glance on his face. I shrug, not really having an explanation. Liam pulls my hair. I turn around and smack him.

He glares at me before looking at Niall. "I'm gay. Since...year 8?" He asks, staring at me. I shrug, giving him a strange look.

"How the hell should I know? I'm not the one who's gay." I reply. He flicks my arm. Niall glances between the two of us. Liam realizes what he just said. His eyes widen.

"Oh! Um, you don't have a problem with gays, right?" He asks, a worried look on his face. Niall shakes his head.

"Nah. I'm bi." Niall replies. He stands up and walks to my computer, making his character to different things.

Liam starts smiling when Niall isn't looking. This boy has got it bad. "You got it, you got it bad, when you're own phone hangs up and you call right back." I sing, taunting him. Liam smacks my arm.

"Shut up." He says through gritted teeth. I send him a cheeky grin. "You're such a damn..." Liam trails off, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Niall. I stick my tongue out at him.

"I'm a damn what?"

"A damn...a damn tosser." He spits out. I give him an amused look. I hear Niall snort from the computer. Liam sighs, tugging on my hair with the brush.

I grab my head. "Ow! Liam! What the hell?" He smirks, setting the brush down on my bed. "Worse than Louis..."

"Hey! Don't compare me to that prick!" Liam yells. I widen my eyes.

"Oh, Liam is using big boy words now?"

"Why am I your friend?"

"Because you love me."

|| Louis' POV ||

I smirk as Zayn talks about the food fight he caused at his lunch period. Or the one he wants us to think he caused. His story would be much more believable if I hadn't had lunch after him and the cafe was spotless.

"And then Mrs. Winters walks up to me and starts freaking! It was mental." He says to Aiden, who is believing every word. Idiots.

"That's great Zayn. My place or yours?" I ask, ignoring his conversation with Aiden.

He shrugs. "I think yours. You still live next to Styles, right?" I nod, a plan coming to mind. "You have a prank, don't you?" He asks, noticing my face. I nod again, pressing down on the gas peddle to get to my place faster.

I really shouldn't be speeding, but I just want to see Harry...'s face when I prank him. Yeah, that's it.

I pull into my drive way. "Now, I think that Harold and his mates could use some toilet paper, what do you think lads?" I ask Aiden and Zayn. They both smirk, nodding and rushing out of the car. I quickly follow them, opening the door and guiding them in.

"Mum?" I call out, making sure she's not home. When I don't get a reply, I make my way to the bathroom and grab the entire pack of toilet paper.

Walking back out to the main room, I throw a few rolls at Zayn and Aiden. "It's Tommo time." I announce, smiling deviously.

I stroll out of the house and peer through Harry's bedroom window. It's dark so they shouldn't be able to see us. Perfect.

Taking a few steps back, I set my arm back, aim, and throw the roll. "Nice. Go Zayn!"

Zayn and Aiden threw theirs. We all kept throwing them until the door opened.

"Louis? What the hell?" Liam's voice said. I snickered, running back to my place, making sure I lock the door after Zayn and Aiden came in.

"We're dead."


Shorttttt, sorry. Next one will be longer.

I joined GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) at school. It's fun!

Mmmm, gotta go. Night Snowflakes!

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