Chapter 1//

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I started this way before I actually updated it :D

Yeah, my dad hasn't gotten wifi, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to update

Here's chapter 1!


|| Louis' POV ||

What locker number was it? Five oh seven? Wait, it was four seven five! Good thinking, Lou.

"Hey Styles!" I call, walking closer to his locker. He looks over at me with fear in his eyes. I love torturing this kid. Makes my day brighter. "My maths teacher assigned me homework. And by me, I mean you." I hand him my sheet. He rolls his eyes, but grabs it anyways and slides it into his folder.

"I'll have it done. Not doing anything above a C." He says, slinging his bag over his arm and shutting his locker. "I almost got suspended last time." I smirk and place my arm around his shoulder.

"Relax Curly. Just get it done."

"Yo Tommo!" I look over to the direction my name, to see my mate Zayn jogging over. Harry quickly runs away while I'm distracted. Dammit Zayn.

I groan, leaning against the lockers. "What the hell? I was about to get Styles!" He gives me a quick apologetic look then continues on with what he was saying.

"There's a new kid. He's been hanging around that Liam kid. You know, the one that's friends with Styles?" Zayn says, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, he has choir with the both of em'. You thinking what I'm thinking?" I think for a minute before nodding, a devious plan forming in my head.

"I believe that you are thinking what I'm thinking, since I'm the mastermind behind everything." I retort, patting his back. He rolls his eyes again, pointing somewhere in front of me.

"That's the new kid. Niall, I think." I glance over to where he's pointing. He's talking to that Liad lad. I smile evily and make my way over to the both of them.

"Why hello there, Li-Li! Is this your new buddy? Niall right?" I ask, slinging my arm around Liam. He shrugs me off, but I place it back off each time. "Did you know that Liam here is a loser?" Liam groans, pushing me off of him.

"Don't listen to him, Niall. He's just an idiot." Liam sputters, shooting daggers at me.

I put my hands up innocently. "Liam, I'm offended. I thought we were besties!" I say in a high pitched voice. Liam rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Niall, why don't you come to my house today." I suggest. Well, it was more like an order.

"No thanks. I'm going to Harry's with Liam." He says with a shrug. Did he just...tell me no?

My expression turns from joking to serious. "Look, I know you're new, but Harry and Liam are not the kids you wanna hang with." I tell him, ruffling his hair. Liam pushes me away, grabbing Niall by the arm and pulling him away. I chuckle, making my way back to Zayn.

"What happened ?" Zayn asks, leaning against a locker. I shake my head.

"He's going to Harry's place with Liam. He actually told me no. The kid obviously doesn't know who I am." I say, grabbing my bag from Zayn. "Don't worry, he'll be hanging with us in no time."


|| Harry's POV ||

"Did he really say that?" I ask, kicking a rock at my feet. Liam and Niall both nod. I shake my head, curls bouncing. It's so weird how I have curly hair. I mean, how do I go from straight hair to curly hair. It makes no sense.

"Yup. He's so ignorant." Liam comments. I nod, turning onto the pathway to my front door. Niall and Liam follow right behind me.

"Why does he hate you two so much?" Niall asks as I take out my key. I push the door open and shrug.

"Not sure. We used to be best friends, the four of us. But something happened with Liam and Louis. Liam still won't tell me." I explain, smacking Liam's arm. He sticks his tongue out at me, setting his bag down near the door. Niall and I do the same, walking into the kitchen.

I grab three waters from the fridge and them two of them to Liam and Zayn. "Maybe I can get it out of 'im" Niall smiles and nudges Liam's shoulder. Liam blushes, rushing out the room. I grin at Liam's embarrassment. Niall doesn't seem to notice. Idiots.

"C'mon, let's go upstairs." I tell him, leading him up to where Liam ran. "Li! Stop running!"

"Sorry, Haz!" He yells from my room. I smirk, opening my door and finding him on my computer.

I sigh, sitting on the seat next to him. "Are you honestly playing my sims game again?" I swear, that's all he does when he's here. Goes on my computer and plays sims.

He nods, eyes glued to the screen. "Yes! I have to add Niall to our family! Niall come pick out clothes. Then you can decorate your room!" He exclaims, pulling Niall closer to him. Niall gives me a weird look and I just shrug, pulling my binder out of my bag. I grab Louis' homework and start it.

Liam glances over and groans. "He's making you do his homework again? Is it too hard to tell him no, Haz? You're taller than him..."

"And he's stronger than me. You saw what happened last time I didn't listen to him." I reply, writing down the first answer. He shakes his head and goes back to decorating Niall's room.

Niall points to an empty room on the screen. "Who is that for?"

"It used to be Zayn's."

"What about Louis?"

"His character and Harry's character shared a room." Liam responds. I give a small smile at the memory. Louis and I used to be really close. The closest out of all 4 of us. We did everything together. We would never leave each other's sides. I wonder what happened...


This might sound weird, but I see this story as a one page per chapter story, ya know?

Lol, I bet you don't. I'm confusing.

But yeah, I'm hoping to upload this regularly. The library is a few blocks away, so that's good!

Gotta go type more! Bye guys.

If I'm Louder {Larry Stylinson AU}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora