Ouija Board

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Aria: Guess what I got?

Loki: Oh Odin please no...

Fay, confused by Loki's reaction: What... is it?

Aria: It's a... *Pulls out a box from her bag* Ouija Board!

Loki: Alright, I'm out *Disappears in a poof of smoke*

Aria, under her breath: Rude...

[After they set up the board]

*Fay & Hope had taken Ben to bed, Chip left for obvious reasons, and everyone else was gathered around the board*

Shuri, as soon as she puts her hand down on the planchette: If there are any ghosts here tonight... please tell me... does this sound like shakira? Lo le lo le!

Peter P, Wanda, MJ & Ned: *Snickers loudly*

Ouija Board: Yes

Everyone: :0

Aria, trying to get serious: Cool, cool... *coughs* Who's there?

Ouija Board: N-O-B-O-D-Y-F-U-C-K-O-F-F

Steve: Language!

Tony: Steve, it's a ghost! I don't think it cares.

Aria, getting a little irritated: What's your name?

Ouija Board: Yes

MJ: *Gasps*

Shuri: WHAT THE FUCK- *Lights go out*

Everyone: *Screams*

Sam, being strangling by Bucky: *High pitch screams*

Loki, from the his room, laughing: Oh well this is just great! *Makes the planchette fly across the room and out the window*

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