Area 51

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*Peter and Shuri walk up to Tony*

Peter: Hey dad?

Tony: What's up?

Peter: Can you... umm... drive us to Area 51?

Tony, drinking his coffee: Sure, just give me a second.

Shuri, confused: You're allowing us? That easy?

Tony, just as confused: Yes, I needed to go up there today anyway.

Peter & Shuri, now super confused: What?!

Tony: Wait... why do you even want to go up there?

Shuri: For the raid...

Tony: Why would you raid it when I can just take you in there myself. Wait... do you not know that I own it.

Peter & Shuri: WHAT?!?

Steve, from the kitchen: Oh yeh! That's where we keep Fury's alien cat.

Peter & Shuri, truly scrambled: WHATT?!?!

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