Realm Travellers

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Most Realm Travellers: Be very careful, it's best if you go to further Realms because you're less likely to bump into a doppelgänger. And defiantly don't go to parallel realms. You'll bump into another you for sure. Also never mess with Uni Industries as they can ruin your life in one fell swoop!

Tiam: Ima just do the cha cha slide through each and every Umbrella Realm so I can have control of the multi-verse. "Take it back now ya'll"

Aria: Now I totally didn't steal the idea of Uni Phones from Uni Industries and I didn't hire a group of secret agents steal a bunch of Clock Cameras from their warehouses and implanted them into the phones because I don't know how to make them. Then sell them for half the price on the Umbrella Realm black market. Pft I have no idea what you're talking about.


Thanks for all for my first 400 views ❤️

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