Chapter 17

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This chapter is about Elisa's family, how they are coping etc. If you don't want to know, you can skip it. <3

The whole family had a meeting today. Elisa had been missing for about 2 or 3 months. Leonardo still remembered her phone call. He felt guilty that he didn't track her fast enough, he could have saved her. His wife always tried to help him but he was just lost. His wife, herself, only stayed strong for her son who always asked for his aunt.

Arianna was also drowning in guilt since she was the one that convinced her best friend to go to that club with her, which led to her disappearance.

Elisa's absence had shaken up the Ferraris a great deal. Fights were breaking out almost everyday, a deep depression had fallen over the entire mafia.

Lorenzo was drunk every night and picked fights with anyone he could. As for his husband, he spent his days locked in a room looking at pictures from Elisa.

Eduardo was a mix of both Alessio and Lorenzo. He went out just to get drunk and fight with some stranger, when he got home he locked himself up and cried. 

As for Elisa's parents, it was the first time after many years of marriage that people saw their relationship shake. They were bickering for everything, each blaming themselves for the mistakes they made while raising Elisa.

Leonardo had looked and searched everywhere but there was no trace of her. He had contacted every alliance he got, what pissed him off more was that he was informed that someone was trying to find his sister in order to blackmail them.

The door to his office opened and the whole family entered. Everyone was there, his parents, his brother, friends and even his friends' parents.

"Why are we here?"

Lorenzo complained and his mother shot his a glare.

"Did you find her?"

Eduardo asked.

"No but..."

Leonardo began and laugh was heard.

"Then I'm out of here. We are all fucking useless. Mafia men and women my ass."

Alessio said and turned around to leave.

"Alessio don't you dare leave and this is an order from your mother."

His mother yelled.

"Oh please mom. I'm an adult I can do whatever the fuck I want so just let me leave because my bourbon is waiting."

He said and gave his mother a sarcastic smile. The sound of a slap was heard and everyone looked at Amara who slapped her son.

"Sit down."

She ordered and surprisingly Alessio did as told. Arianna was also present since she was the one that last saw the italian princess.

"Arianna can you please just tell us again what happened?"

Elisa's mother kindly asked.

"Yes Mrs. Ferrari. We went into the club, we got drinks and then I went into the dance floor. Next time I look at where she was standing, she's gone. I ran outside to look for her and saw her phone on the ground. Shortly after, Leonardo and the rest arrived."

Arianna said and looked at the floor. Maybe if she had noticed Elisa's absence earlier, only a maybe was enough to make her drown in guilt.

"Was there anything out of context in the club?"

It was now Leonardo's turn to pop a question.

"No, I don't think so. Wait, there was a group of men, I think about three who seemed a little out of place."

Arianna said recalling in detail her surroundings at the club.

"And you couldn't have told us earlier?"

Lorenzo yelled at her, running a hand through his hair due to frustration and standing up.

"Sit down, before I ship your ass to Russia. You might be an adult but you know better then to scream at the poor girl."

His mother said and pointed her finger. Alessio smiled a little upon hearing what his aunt said, everytime he and Elisa would fight for stupid things it would always get violent and Katerina would always threaten them by telling them she would ship them to Russia.

"It's fine Al, she will ship us both to Russia. It's all good if we have each other. We can also kidnap Amelia and Ed."

Her voice and laughter rang through Alessio's head. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, what would everyone do if she was dead? He asked himself, anyone who had the chance to kill her, would for sure do it, since it would lead to the Italians' downfall.

"Alessio, are you okay sweetheart?"

He heard Amelia's soft whisper. He placed his hand over hers, giving her a tight smile and nodded.

"We will find her."

Katerina said and gave everyone a sad smile.

"If she's not dead, mother."

Lorenzo said and shook his head. Lorenzo was always preparing for the worst, he got drunk every night with the same question in mind. What if she's dead? A punch landed on his face and he saw Eduardo with teary eyes.

"She's not fucking dead. Say that shit again, I dare you."

Eduardo said and his voice broke when he said dead. Lorenzo got up and pushed him back making him stumble.

"You really believe I fucking want to think about it? Maybe she was your best friend but she was my sister."

Lorenzo yelled back.

"She is Lorenzo. Is, why the fuck are you using past tense? Have you found her body?"

By now it was a yelling battle. They were both screaming, they heard Leonardo's and Amelia's son cry from the other room and Amelia immediately got up.

"You two are insufferable. Stop fighting and get your shit together. We are a family here and we work together, we will find her. She is a fighter she would never give up on her life. Remember, not even death can break this family apart so man the fuck up assholes because next time you wake up Roman, I will not be as calm."

Amelia threatened the two and left the room. They gave each other a look and hugged. Everyone was now determined to find the youngest Ferrari whatever it took. They were ready for a war. A war they would fight any day for her.

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