"So what do you want?" Goldie asked.

"Just hot chocolate and a glazed donut."

"Do you have the money to pay for it?" I laugh at the statement. I'm literally a billionaire! I did just waste four hundred dollars though. I have more though!

"Yeah I do." Goldie nodded and reached into her pocket. I walk up to the cashier and order. I pay for the food and wait for my order. Goldie went up to the cashier with money and ordered. Once she was done to walked over to me. 

"Where did you even get money? I know for sure you didn't have money when I met you."

"I got a job." 

"Oh." We waited in silence. I was finally called up, I took my order and sat down at a random table. I had a sip of the hot chocolate. My body quickly warmed up as I felt gulped down the drink. My body felt kind of sleepy, I lay my head down on the table. I yawn as I felt the atmosphere of the place created a tingly feeling in my chest. Is hot chocolate supposed to be this good. I bit into my donut. The donut sweetness danced on my tongue as I went in for another bite. It shouldn't be this good! I drink the hot chocolate with a piece of the donut in my mouth. I pick up my head and lean back in the chair. If the chairs are comfortable! Goldie sat in front of me. She calmly bit into her donut and drank milk. She put down her milk and stared at me with a serious look.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Where's your mother? I know Jana isn't your mother, you look nothing alike. Anenoid isn't your father, Fujin is." I drank my hot chocolate before calmly responding.

"She left me a year ago, I don't know where she it now." Goldie looked at me with pity, I just took another sip from my cup. 

"I-is this something she would normally do?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just asking." She said with her voice kind of breaking. I munch on my donut, sadly I was finished with the donut in less than a minute. Should I order another one? Goldie cleared her throat. I stared blankly in her direction before sipping my hot chocolate. "So when did you figure out you were a demigod?"

"A year ago." 

"Oh." Goldie smiled. "So how's school." Why so many questions?"


"Any girl you like?"


"Any friends?"


"Hmm." Goldie looked kind of uncomfortable. "What was your mother like?" I glare at her with annoyance.

"Can you just stop, I'm trying to relax."

"Just curious, just wanted to know you more." She said sadly. I ignore her and drink hot my chocolate until it ran out. I lean back in my chair and close my eyes. 

I'll just relax here for a bit.

10:52 am 

I walk out of the store and stare down at my new shoes. The shoes were black along with a little bit of gray on the back. On one side there were these lines going to the side. I hop from side to side. So comfortable. I wiggle my toes and smile. My toes didn't have much space before! There were all cramped up, I didn't realize I needed new shoes. I wore those for years. Way lighter than my other ones. I bounce up and down on my toes as I rub my new hoodie.

I even got new clothes! My hoodie was black, on the front was an astronaut looking at the Earth while standing on the moon. The hoodie was very comfortable, way better than the other jackets and sweaters I had before. I didn't get anything else other than new clothes and shoes,I did get a game for my PS Vita. It was some game called Persona 4 Golden. I have on idea what it's about, but it was colorful. I stretch and groan. I'm down a thousand dollars, but I don't care, I can afford anything I want now.

A Gamer's Journeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें