Chapter 16

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Sam's POV:

I still can't really register that she's gone. I half expect her to barge through the door, rip this note out of my hand and scream "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!" Like every other time. Maybe this letter will finally bring the realisation down upon me though, maybe than I can find the strength to gradually move on.

Dear Sammy boi,

Cringey name right? You hate it so that's why I always call you it, I love teasing you because your ears turn red and it's super funny. The others think so too but I've recently realised that you may get upset about that stuff. I wanted to say that I'm sorry if my teasing ever got too much and I didn't realise, I would never intentionally hurt you or your feelings and I'd hate for you to think I do it purposely. I tease you because we're just close like that, like how you tease me back about how gullible I am. Look up?.......Did I get you? No? Ok moving on, now I'm saying this for your own health: I really think you should tone down that whole ghost thing. The games you've been playing recently are getting out of hand and I know you want to entertain your viewers but at what cost? When does it go too far? When do you cross the line? I'm not telling you to stop but just take a break or don't do them as often as you are, it's really worrying me and I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt ok? I'm not scolding you just so you know, I'm just worrying. I love you and don't want to see anything bad happen to you because of these games. Please at least consider my advice?

Love from, (Y/n) :)

Who knew a piece of paper could hold so much wisdom and worry while also bringing on a wave of emotions? What can I say? I'm speechless at (Y/n)'s seemingly serious words. She's never serious, always joking and making fun out of things so when she's serious you better listen. I'll take your advice (Y/n), not only for my sake but for yours and my friends. I don't want to worry or hurt anyone because of some stupid game, she's right.

Colby's POV:

The girl I once viewed as my sister is gone now and I still can't help but think I'm partly to blame. I feel guilty just holding the letter she wrote me, as if I shouldn't be allowed to read it because of my failure to protect and save her. I know she would tell me to read it which is the only reason I opened it.

Dear emo boy,

Like the new name? I've always thought it but never really said it XD. You're probably waiting for the jokes to stop and for me to say something serious right? That's always what you've been like, wanting to get straight into it. You're thick headed like that but then again, so am I. Maybe that's why we got along so well; we have quite similar personalities so that's why we clicked. I've always felt closer to you than any other roommate and I recently figure out why, besides being a perfect duo. Neither of us have the best childhoods like the others, I'm like 99% positive that's why we clicked and became so close. We found comfort in one another because of our past experiences and that only made our bond all the more stronger. I know you're probably mad and upset about what I did but I need you to read this carefully. The pain I was going through was honestly unbearable, one thing after the other and if I'm being honest, Jake was the main cause for my pain. Don't get me wrong, he's not the reason I ended it all but he did contribute to the pain that made me do it. I don't want to blame anyone but I thought you at least deserve to know what I was going through. I'm sorry if you didn't want to know but I don't regret writing it down. One more thing, don't go blaming yourself ok? I know you are thinking about it right now but I promise you nothing was your fault, I made each and every decision on my own recently, no one forced me to do anything so don't think that you did ok? I have to write the last letter but I hope you keep this as a reminder of me :).

Love always, emo girl.

It was difficult to read but it lifts a large weight of my shoulder knowing that she doesn't blame me. I know she said not to blame myself but it may take a while for it to actually sink in that this wasn't my fault. I just wish I hadn't down that stupid prank in the mall, maybe then she would still be with us.

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