Chapter 11

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I look into the mirror on the door and do some final touch ups.

"Boom, just like high school days." I laugh as I recall some memories. I grab my purse with everything I may need in it and head downstairs towards the front door.

"Hey guys! I'm heading out now, I'll be back later!" I shout out to the roommates as I stand at the front door.

Immediately after, I hear multiple footsteps coming towards the front door. All of the boys enter at the same time and freeze as they see me.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Colby asks while crossing his arms and glaring.

"Out with some friends." I stare and roll my eyes at him.

"The only friends that you would dress like that for are the ones I told you not to be friends with anymore." Jake steps forward and glares suspiciously.

"Yeah so what?" I challenge as I too, take a step forward.

"They're with a bad crowd (Y/n)! You know this!" He shouts at me. Oh hell no.

"Well maybe I want to be with that bad crowd rather than being here with a cheater." I snarl as I lift my head up high, staring straight into his eyes daring him to say more.

"You know what? I'm living for it." Corey states as he laughs. Colby and Jake look at him with a glare.

"Yea same, go fuck shit up sister!" Aaron shouts in that weird girly voice he does. Corey joins in and they have me laughing before I decide to leave.

"Mkay it's time for me to go, I'll be back later or tomorrow." I tell the guys before winking and going out the door.


After driving to our meet up place and catching up with the girls, I tell them about my situation and they immediately come up with a plan.

"You have a spare room right?" Leah asks as she looks over to me.

"Yeah, across form mine and Jake's room, why?" My voice holds only confusion as I try to figure out why she asked that.

"Omg duh, Leah that's genius. Okay so, we go drinking yeah? And then you take a guy back to yours, since you can't fuck in your own room since you share it with Jake, just go to the spare. Jake will definitely hear since it's across from his room and he'll freak" Abigail squeals as she totally just calls what Leah was about to say.

I look to Leah to see if Abigail is correct and she nods her head.

"What better way to get back at a cheater than to cheat right?" Leah gives me a pointed look as it all pieces together and I beam with excitement.

"You know what? You're right, fuck it, fuck him. He gets to cheat so why can't I?" I made a choice right then and there that this would go down tonight.

The girls grin at each other as we all link arms and make our way to the nearest bar. We walk inside and order drinks immediately as we sit down at the bar.

"Let's get ourselves some dick!" Abigail hollers as Leah and I laugh.

Abigail is more of the outgoing, crazy one in the group while Leah is the calmer one but definitely eviller and more devious. I'm in the middle of them. The perfect balance which is what makes us such great friends.

"I can't believe I ever stopped hanging out with y'all, this is honestly the freest I've felt in years. I love this." I yell to them over the loud music causing them to initiate a group hug.

We pull away and something catches Leah's eyes as she grins mischievously.

"Hey babes, that guy over there has been looking at you nonstop, he's interested. Make him break and come over here. You know how to do it, we've done it before, basic stuff." She calls to me over the music and I grin.

Of course I know this stuff, we did it all the time before I met Jake.

I look over and a handsome looking guy catches my eye. We make eye contact and I look him up and down for a few seconds before giving him a suggestive side smile and looking back to the girls.

"Perfect!" They squeal and clap whilst jumping up and down, chanting about how I still have my skills and am still the best of the three of us.

I throw another glance over my shoulder at the guy. He has dark brown hair from what I can see and a very muscular body, not overly ripped but like the perfect amount that fit well with his tanned skin. It dazzles me for a second before I regain my composure.

"I'm only here for a fling, nothing else." I remind myself quietly before downing my third glass of vodka.

"Excuse me, may I sit here?" A rich, deep voice asks from behind me and I smirk, already knowing I reeled him in.

I look over my shoulder slightly to see the guy from before standing right beside me. I give him a smile, motioning to the chair with a "sure go ahead."

"So uh, why'd you come here tonight?" He gives me a smile as he looks over to me, only looking away to take a sip of his own drink.

"Look let's get right to the point. You want sex, I want the same thing. Let me just have one more drink and then we can go back to mine." I say calmly while side glancing over to him. He nearly chokes on his drink as he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Huh, usually takes more than that." He chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

The key is to be confident and straight forward ladies. Tell him what you want straight out instead of hinting at shit. Guys aren't mind readers; they don't know what we want unless we literally slap them in the face with it.

We have a couple more drinks before I head over to the girls and tell them that we're leaving, they wish me luck and I head back over to the guy which I had learned that his name is Lucas. On closer inspection I had also learned that he has amazing brown eyes.

We head out of the bar and get an Uber back to mine. I warn him that my roommates are home and we sneak inside. I giggle as we trip up the stairs and into the spare room.

I close the door and turn to him with a seductive smile.

"Ready?" I bite my lip as I ask, acting innocent.

He growls out and slams me against the door, lips by my ear as he whispers.

"The question is, are YOU ready?"

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