Chapter 3

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That was the annoying continuous sound that I woke up too confusingly enough. My eyelids feel like bricks cemented together but by some miracle I'm able to pry them open.

As I survey my surroundings it becomes obvious that I'm in a hospital and that the beeping is from the heart monitor that shows the steady beat of my heart.

There are flowers by my bed on the little night table with a few cards that I can only assume are from my friends telling me to get better.

From the slight glare coming from the slightly opened curtains I guess that it is around morning time, perhaps lunch time. I look around once more and unlike those cliché movies and shows, there's no knight in shining armour sleeping in a chair by my bedside.

I'm almost disappointed before I remember that he might be in trouble and just like the cliché movies, I rip out my IV and attempt to stand, completely forgetting that the reason I'm here is because of my foot.

I cry out in pain as I put weight onto my foot, consequently remembering why I'm here.

A nurse and doctor literally burst through the door with equipment ready, assuming they thought my heart stopped. They notice that I'm just out of bed and immediately rush to put me back.

I don't struggle as they place me back in bed and connect the IV again. They check whatever they're supposed to and start asking me questions.

"So Miss (L/n), how are you feeling?" The doctor asks looking plainly at me.

"Like a glass shard stabbed my foot, what else am I supposed to feel like? Sunshine and roses?" I sneer at him; I'm not dealing with his attitude first thing after waking up.

"Ok then." He replies in the same tone as earlier before writing something down in his clipboard.

He proceeds to ask irrelevant questions and I answer them with an equal amount of sass.

"Ok we're done with questions; you can be discharged later today." He states as he checks the machines one last time.

"Am I allowed visitors?" I quickly ask before he leaves.

"I suppose, there are some people who have been waiting outside all night, shall I bring them in?" He turns back to me as he reaches the door.

"Um yeah, that's why I asked." I state almost losing my shit at this guy, I don't know why I'm so agitated, I've never been like this before. I blame it on the fact that this is the longest I have been away from Jake and I don't even know if he's safe or not.

He leaves to go get them and a few minutes later a group of people come in. Immediately they all come rushing to my side all talking at once.

"Ok ok, one at a time please." I say with a laugh at the end.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Devyn says before anyone else can and gives me a hug along with Kat.

"So what happened?" I ask, wanting to know their side of the story.

"Well Sam and I both came out of our rooms cause we heard a scream from downstairs so we rushed down cause we thought either you or Devyn was in trouble since Kat was asleep in Sam's room. When we got down there the kitchen light was on and we saw you on the floor so we immediately rushed to help you" Colby starts to explain before Sam continues.

"Colby went to check if you were conscious and found that you were so he tried to see if you were responsive but you barely were. I went and got water and a cloth to put on your wound. I guess we made a lot of noise because a minute later everyone was downstairs and freaking out. Corey called an ambulance and then you passed out, we all started panicking when you did. We brought you outside for quicker access for the ambulance and all, then we waited till they arrived and they took you to...well here." Sam concluded.

"Ok so what were the girls and Aaron doing while this all went down?" I question with a laugh.

"Oh they were freaking out, if we had a tryout for drama they would definitely be accepted." Colby replied with his own laugh.

"Was not!" Aaron defended himself childishly causing us all to laugh.

"Aaron you were like a third girl freaking out with those two!!" Corey wheezed, hunched over as he grabbed his stomach from laughing.

"Wow Aaron, didn't know you cared that much." I say dramatically before adding.

"Also didn't know you were a little bitch!!" My statement causes a roar of laughter from all, including Aaron.

"Ok so like, I might have just a tad bit of a dramatic side and like, even though I'm a bitch, I can still like, care, ya know?" Aaron said using his girly voice to add effect causing another round of laughter.

The laughter finally died down along with the jokes and I finally realise something that makes me shoot up in bed.

"Guys where's Jake? He wasn't home when I woke up last night, that's why I went to the kitchen looking for him." I quickly question and state my worry.

They all share a look of confusion and cluelessness.

"That's actually a really good question. I'll give him a call." Colby says before pulling out his phone and calling Jake.

With his phone to his ear, he waits for Jake to pick up, which after a few rings he does.

"Bro where the fuck have you been?" Colby asks the question we all want to know before quickly putting Jake on speaker.

"At a collab like I said I was." He says before Colby replied quickly.

"You said you would be back later, not stay the night. What kinda collab takes an entire night? What were you even doing?" He questions, not showing how suspicious he really is of Jakes story.

"Well we were just gonna film for a bit but decided to do an overnight." He states calmly, not slipping up once.

"Ok and why didn't you text any of us, especially your girlfriend who has been worried sick." Colby is staring to lose his cool and we can all tell.

"I didn't know I had to tell you all my every move. Plus (Y/n) has been overly possessive recently, I don't need her to be more possessive, she needs to chill for a bit. Learn to survive without me around her 24/7 ya know?" He doesn't miss a beat as he replies, his statement breaking my heart slightly.

"Oh really? Well I'm here with everyone right now at the hospital, wanna know why? Cause your apparently possessive girlfriend is hurt and needed to go to the hospital last night." Colby has lost it; he is furious at his friends' words. They will be cool later but as of right now they are not in the slightest.

"Wait what? Which hospital?" His voice sounds panicked but Colby doesn't care.

"What do you mean 'which hospital' the closest one to our house you idiot, the one we always go to for anything!" He yells through the phone at Jake.

"I'm on my way right now." Jake replies completely ignoring Colby's pissed tone and hangs up.

Everyone is slightly shocked and angry.

"What the fuck? I can't believe he called you possessive, you're far from it, any guy would love not having a possessive girlfriend." Kat immediately steps in and tells me.

"Yeah well I asked who texted him before he left last night and he got really defensive so I became possessive and asked for his phone to check. I was wrong though; it was just some dude named Gabriel. Apparently the guy he was collabing with." I say while looking down in shame.

"Gabriel? I've never heard of him. I'll ask Jake later." Sam says while looking lost in thought.

We continue to chat and laugh while waiting for Jake to arrive.

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