Chapter 13

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-1 Month Later-

Sam, Colby, Corey and I are currently getting our stuff ready to go do an overnight, not really needing much we all took a backpack with things we might need.

"Oh god, they dragged you in too?" Corey asks as he sees me bringing my stuff out to the cars.

"Not really, I willingly agreed to come." I grin at him as I place my bag in Colby's car.

"They bribe you?" I question back and he looks away.

"Nooooooooo......" His voice turns a higher pitch and I laugh, shaking my head at his antics.

"Ok, let's get going already." I climb into the backseat with Corey. Sam and Colby are obviously sitting in the front as it is their channel.

-Time skip to abandoned mall-

"I'm like 90% positive someone else is here with us guys." I speak up as we once again hear a loud sound.

"Yeah maybe we should head back." Corey says for like the 40th time, wanting to bail once more.

"We'll be fine guys!" Sam grins at us before a loud bang goes off, causing Sam to scream like a little girl and jump out of his skin.

"Yeah?" I question, beginning to laugh after making the loud noise that scared Sam.

"(Y/n)! That's not funny!" Sam scolds me and I laugh more, apologising through my laughter.

We turn down a dark hallway, Colby suddenly disappearing.

"Ok now THAT is not funny." I point an accusing finger to where Colby disappeared at. The others nod, Sam slowly making his way over to the door with Corey following.

I stay back, not really wanting to be jump scared or flashed with a flashlight. I saw them walk into the room which causes me to start walking towards them, not wanting to lose sight of them. I hear a noise behind me which causes me to jump and turn around, seeing nothing in the dark. I turn towards the where the guys were only to see that they are gone, the noise had distracted me and I lost sight of them.

Good job (Y/n)! Why'd you have to be a dumb white bitch and turn around to investigate the scary noise?! You idiot! That's how all dumb white bitches die!

"Gu-" I'm cut off as a hand is suddenly placed over my mouth, another arm wrapping around my waist and dragging me away as I kick and scream.

I bite the person's hand which makes them remove it momentarily, long enough for me to call out.

"HELP! COLBY!" I instinctively call Colby's name, receiving shouts in return which consisted of "(Y/N)!" And "WHERE ARE YOU?!". I'm quite surprised they didn't think it was a prank seeing as Colby just pranked us but I suppose the desperation in my voice was rather clear.

I can hear them getting closer but the man just drags me further away in response, tying my hands together and gagging me. I beg for him to let me go but he doesn't listen. I was hoping everything would just end and I was granted that when I fell unconscious.

-Time skip to waking up-

"(Y/N)!" It hadn't been long since I fell unconscious but the man was now long gone, leaving me naked and alone. I knew what had happened, I had went through everything before I went unconscious. I was awake for every agonising second, only blacking out once he was finished with me.

The others were close but I didn't hear them, no, more like I tuned them out. Not wanting to hear anything or do anything, I felt numb, even with the excruciating pain all over my body.

"I FOUND HER!" A familiar voice calls and I feel a hand on my shoulder a moment later.

"Oh god......(Y/n)......." The voice sounded pained and broken upon seeing my state. Sam quickly took off his hoodie, pulling it over my head to cover me before trying to see if I was responsive.

"(Y/n), can you hear me?" I glance at him, not giving a response.

"What the fuck happened?!" Colby shouts upon seeing the state I'm in.

"I don't know......she was naked when I found her...." Sam mutters and rage fills Colby as Corey stood beside him in shock. They all knew what had happened but didn't want to admit it by saying it out loud. They felt at fault because they let me join this time when I always use to refuse.

"Let's just.....get her home at least." Corey mumbles to the two, Colby lifting me up and carrying me to the car bridal style.

The trip home is long and silent, no one daring to utter a word. I hadn't moved since Colby placed me in the car, lost in thought even though I wasn't thinking about anything.

The car slowed to a stop and I looked up, seeing the house I was always happy to return to. I felt nothing this time however, no happiness, no joy. I felt.....empty.

Colby helps me inside, Aaron and Jake coming to the door to greet us. They are confused upon seeing my state, Colby dismissing them and saying that he will tell them later. He leads me up to my room before placing me in bed, tucking me in and staying with me until I fall asleep. I much would've rather stay awake because as soon as I fell asleep, my dreams turned to nightmares, memories of what had happened today. They haunted me, taunted me and I gave in. I gave in to what the voices were saying, deciding that I've had enough. My life went downhill so quickly and I just wasn't strong enough to keep marching through it all.

Some people are, they can get through everything and come out victorious.....but they don't see the lost souls on their way, the ones who weren't strong enough. I am one of those lost souls. My fate was decided the second I was born, a fucked-up fate but I was born for a reason, and I'll die for a reason. Maybe my death is the purpose of me being born. My death may affect others, putting them on the path to become stronger.

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