Chapter 8

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I place all my bags in front of the closet making sure that nothing will be left behind. My heart beats frantically making me wonder if I will be able go through with my plan, and I feel guilt eating up its way to my heart when I think of leaving James without a warning,but nonetheless, there is no other choice but to go on with it.

I tidy up the kitchen once my mother leaves for work, leaving us the house keys so we can drop them off at her job before we leave for Ballington. I then prepare to leave with James so we can pick up my uncle from his house. We had asked him a few months back to assist us with getting my traveling document renewed so I wouldn't be penalized for staying in another country illegally. He agreed without a problem just like I knew he would. Having connections with people in the government offices always worked in his and mostly our advantage. We usually got our things way faster than everyone else.

I quickly grab my other phone that is stuffed in between the bed mattresses, wrap it in a tissue and then put it in my handbag. I used it before I left to be married and I always kept it in case something went wrong with the one I was currently using, and today it is coming in handy. I kept all my friends phone numbers and old photos I had taken from school, it was hard letting go of all the memories.

I hurriedly lock to the door and walk to the gate where James is waiting for me. I drop the house keys in between the wall and hedge as I close the gate and take a last glance at them, making sure that they are not too easy to spot.

"You did not forget anything right?" James asks as I enter the car.


The drive to my uncle's house is spent in silence. My mind races with different scenarios of how my day might end and I cannot help but feel excited. It might be the adrenaline rushing in my veins, bringing ease to my nerves.

''Lili girl! It's been so long," Uncle Bath says as he enters the car. I can't help but return the wide smile to the man who always treated me with nothing but love and kindness every since I was a child.

"Uncle Bath," I say shaking his hand. "How are you?"

"I am good Lilith, and how are you guys?!" he lets go of my hand and faces James. "It's been so long James."

"Yes sir. We are very happy to see you." I scoff mentally at the kindness in James' voice. You could easily mistake him for an angel.

"Me too son," and before we know it, we arrive at the department of international travels. We follow behind Uncle bath as he leads us to the fifth floor. We pass people standing in long queues and I feel relief that I will not be one of them, especially with my back.

We go into an office with the name Amy Adams on the door and Uncle Bath talks to a middle aged woman with a manly face. They laugh and seem to be catching up before she sends me into another room for a photo.

"You can wait here. Someone will be with you shortly." she says with a smile that looks forced on her face.

"Thank you mam" I smile back at her hoping it looks realer than hers.

"Your Uncle and husband will be on the forth floor by the steps. These are private offices so we do not want them to be found here. You will go to them once you are done."

"Yes. Thank you again." and just like that I am left in the tiny office with a table and a chair that belongs to whoever the office belongs to and two more chairs on the opposite end of the wall, one being occupied by me. On the table, there is a computer and a stack of papers. The office reeks of being dull and sad.

The door suddenly opens to reveal a short old man, with hair that begins in the middle of his head. He walks to the chair with a smile and I sit up right trying to show respect.

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