The rise of Stray!

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Second chapter. Its hella long. I hope you like it, love it or feel it's adequate.  

From your lovely and adorable author.


Tim had successfully blackmailed batman let him be his new Robin. Batman was getting more and more violent. He needed Robin much more than Robin needed him. He helped him heal, to stop his homicidal thoughts he had been getting lately. He showed Batman that he is by his side.

Then the second Robin Jason came back. It was not the Robin that came back, it was Red hood, a murderer who was out for the blood of batman, of joker, of anyone who is hurting others and of him. He barely escaped death from his hands. He was also haunted by Joker. He still hadn't gotten completely over the Joker jr. incident so he understood Jason's will to kill him. With time Jason managed to controlled the blood-lust inside him. He never held a grudge against Jason. Jason was betrayed by his own mentor, by his own mother, he was brainwashed into thinking that he was a tool who was replaced. That combined with pit madness, he couldn't find it in himself to blame Jason. But for some reason whenever Batman wanted a bad example he used Jason. He shrugged it off. It was none of his business.

Then came Damian. He tried to kill him, for no reason, just because he was adopted. He didn't fight back because he didn't want to get a lecture from Batman. He believed that someone will stop him but no one did. Damian left him in a corner of bat cave bruised and bloodied. Alfred found him. Batman didn't even spared a glance at him when he came back from patrol. He felt bad. Broken. Damian never got any scolding from Bruce. He continued his attempts to kill him. He was now always on defense mode. With time Damian stopped attempting to physically hurt him but continued to break him emotionally. He used all type of insults, how he forced his way into the family, he even went far enough to mention Joker Jr. He still didn't say anything.

Then Bruce died. Dick became Batman and stripped the title of Robin from him. He didn't say anything. He made his own identity Red Robin. He was a his own hero not a sidekick. Instead of bickering with the demon he started searching for Bruce. He believed that Bruce was alive but nobody listened to him. He succeeded and brought Bruce back. No one thanked him completely. Dick just hugged him and said an absentminded GOOD JOB TIMMY. Alfred like every time, gave him a very warm ,"Master Timothy, You did a very good job. Now you need to sleep, you haven't slept properly since weeks." The warm smile of Alfred made him feel that he belonged at least someone cared about him.

While patrol he met Red Hood. He hadn't seen him since he tried to kill him. He took a defensive position. Jason just chuckled."Don't worry replacement I am not going to kill you." Red Hood placed his guns away. He sighed. The word 'replacement' was said in a teasing and friendly manner not like an insult. Red Hood removed his helmet so that he could see his worried expression,"You Ok Kid?"

"Why do you care?" The words came out harsher than expected.

"I am your big brother replacement. Of course I care." Red hood pouted.

"I am- I guess I am just being.......paranoid."He was unsure. Last time he checked Jason was trying to kill him. He was still wary of him.

Red Hood put on his helmet,"Follow me kid."

He wasn't expecting this,"Wha.."

Red Hood looked at him and repeated,"Follow me."

He may regret the decision later but he followed Jason. Jason took them to his safe house. He removed his helmet and mask and sat on a chair. Tim sat on the bed.

Ladynoir and strayWhere stories live. Discover now