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I smiled to hide the darkness inside my heart,

Only to see it smiling back at me and telling me,

"You have no one who cares enough to see through the mask. I'm the only one you have."


🙇‍♀️ I'm sorry okay? Here's an update for you.



The only thing that made sense to her was darkness. It felt welcoming, it was inviting her in, lulling her like a sweet Lullaby. 

"I'll keep you safe, where no pain will touch you." 

She wandered around in darkness and for once she was free. Just a girl sitting in the darkness. She could not feel, could not move, could not remember but it didn't matter.

She was silently enjoying the warm blanket of darkness when pain shot in her head. Her head was throbbing, it felt like someone was using her head as a punching bag. She let out a gasp as a holy of pain shot in her leg and it continued to spread through her body until her whole body was acting.

She let out a loud gasp and her eyes shot wide open. She greedily took in the air and ran a hand through her hair. It was still in a braid. She was still transformed. She sighed while attempting to ignore the passion and calm her erratic heart.

She drank in her surroundings. It was an alley. Typical Gotham. She chuckled inwardly. The sky was still dark. It means she hadn't been out long. 

Her ears stood up in alertness. Someone was watching her. She called her breathing and tried to calm her heart and focus on her surroundings instead. 

She unconsciously reached for her baton but her hands grabbed air. She cursed inwardly and looked at her surroundings from her peripheral. It was nowhere near her. 

The intruder was moving. If it wasn't for her enhanced hearing, she wouldn't have heard the person. Their breathing was even, they were moving in circles around her. Whoever they were, they were highly trained. And her? And she was vulnerable, in pain- 


A dark part of her mind supplied. Her ears repeatedly twitched in the direction of the intruder and then she heard it, a thud right in front of her. She didn't open her eyes. 

When did I close them?

She was mentally cursing herself. She needed an advantage, for this person to think she's weak and is no threat. (Which may be true) so that she can have an advantage when they underestimate her. 

She heard a laugh. A laugh that held no malice, but wasn't friendly either. It was filled with pure mischief. Then she heard that voice. It was smooth as velvet.

"You can open your eyes, kitten. I know you are awake."

At that she jumped from her position from the ground and took a defensive stance. She now has a good look at the stranger.

There in front of her, said a man in black. He was wearing blue goggles which were reflecting the flicker of light which seemed to have escaped the clutches of darkness. He had shoulder length black hair left loose. He had a Cheshire cat grin on his face and he was looking at her like a mystery he needed to solve. He had cast ears and his dress was all black to, possibly made from kevlar if she had to guess. He must be under the impression that she can't see him.

Well, his loss.

"Kitten, what's wrong? Cat for your tongue? Don't worry I don't bite." He raised his hands in the Don't worry I won't do anything. And the YET was pretty visible in his eyes. An easy smile found its way to his face.

On the other hand, her shoulders were stiff like a poll. Her passion had numbed, thanks to the adrenaline running through her veins and her ears were lowered in warning while her teeth were bared. He was dangerous and she couldn't take a chance. This was Gotham. And you shouldn't trust any costumed human or alien alike if it isn't the Batman. If her instincts were right, grave danger was lurking near her…

"Ah… not much of a talker I see." His shoulders were relaxed and she felt slightly insulted that he felt they weren't much threat even with her posture which was anything but peaceful. 

"Let's get to the point, you are coming with me." The statement was said in such finality that she blinked. 

How can he assume that he can order ME around? Not even the justice league has that privilege.

She hissed, narrowing her eyes at him she said in a steady but low tone, "No." 

He sighed and his shoulders slumped in defeat. He looked at her, eyes shining with amusement. 

"Come on kitten. I'm just a fellow feline. We should help each other don't you think?" She felt her irritation rise to a whole new level. 

"No." She hissed again, never dropping her stance.

"I tried." He mumbled. Then something small cutting the air, fast, caught her off guard. She tried to pinpoint the location when she felt something sharp pierce her neck. Her eyes widened when black dots danced around her vision. She touched the area from where the numbness was showing like a ripple through calm water. She wasn't surprised when she pulled out a small dart from her neck and her knees gave up, the voices started muffling together when she felt a warm breath in her ear.

"Nighty nighty kitten." 

She fought off the darkness but in the end the darkness won and black dots covered her vision and she fell into the arms of darkness again.

-900+ words

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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