he's the sun

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"Please eat something, will you?" Jungkook urged, holding a plate of food in front of Chaeyoung. She shook her head, turning her head away from him and sniffling a little. She had cried a lot. Her eyes were swollen and her cheeks and nose had turned red. Jungkook had rarely ever seen Chaeyoung like this, and it broke his heart. He never wants to see this expression on her face. He wants to wipe it away, turn that frown into the brightest smile and make her laugh until she can't breathe anymore. He hates to see her like this. He absolutely hates it.

"chae, he is not worth starving yourself over." Jungkook said, but Chaeyoung still ignored him, refusing to turn her face his way. He sighed and kept the plate down. He hated this. He could feel the anger boiling every bit of blood in him. That guy… that damn extra… he made chaeyoung so depressed that she's refusing to even eat. But he had to keep himself calm. He can't lose his temper now, not when she's so in need of his comfort.

Jungkook reached out his hand to hold Chaeyoung's chin in between his index and thumb, gently pulling her in so she faced him. Chaeyoung didn't resist. She let herself be guided by him, although her gaze refused to meet his own. Jungkook tilted his head, eyes tracing every little detail on her face. Her flushed face, quivering lips and especially, the hurt look in her eyes. 

Jungkook gently caressed her cheek, rubbing his thumb gently under the corner of her eyes, wiping away the traces of the teardrops that were almost impossible to stop a few moments before. Chaeyoung seemed to melt into his touch, as she nuzzled her face in the warm grace of his palm. Her eyes closed on their own, and Jungkook kept his hand there for more minutes than he had planned. How can he refuse when she's so willingly leaning into him, accepting his comfort without any objections?

"It's soft… your hand." She said suddenly, catching Jungkook off guard, and his face instantly turned pink.

"H-huh? Yeah… if you say so…" Jungkook replied, mentally smacking himself. Chaeyoung seemed to enjoy his hand on her cheek because she held it firmly by the wrists in her own dainty ones, as if she's worried he might take it away. He wasn't thinking about it before, but now that he's realising the situation he's in, Jungkook instantly feels his heart picking up the pace.

"Y-you should eat something…" Jungkook repeated. He doesn't know if he wants to be in this situation or not. On one hand, it's everything he could ask for. But on the other, his heart was racing at an uncomfortable speed, making him blush a little more than necessary.

Chaeyoung finally opened her eyes, looking directly into Jungkook's own gaze. She let go of his hand, and slowly got up from her seat on the kitchen counter. She came closer to him, way too close for it to be labelled appropriate. He could only watch her, as she came closer and closer, to finally drop her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry…" She whispered. Jungkook frowned.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for not believing you before." She said. "I should've believed you when you said you got a weird feeling about him, and I should've believed you when you said you thought he hates you."

Jungkook listened to all this with a confused and frustrated face. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I'm sorry–" but words were left unspoken as Jungkook held her by her waist and pulled her onto his lap, burying his own face in the crook of Chaeyoung's neck. Her eyes widened a bit at this action, and she tried to pull away but Jungkook's grip was too strong to fight against.

"K-kookie?" she called, trying to pull away so she could see his face, but all in vain since he wouldn't let her away.

"Don't you dare apologize." He said in a voice Chaeyoung had never heard before. It was deep, firm and grave, as if it was more of a demand than a statement. She stopped trying to pull away, and settled in a bit.


"Don't you dare apologize for something that's not your fault. Don't apologize for when you're the one that's hurt the most here. Don't apologize for when it's that bastard who toyed with you for months." He said. Chaeyoung could only listen. 

"Do you know how scared I was when I couldn't find you at home? When everyone we know denied being with you? When you didn't pick up my calls?"

"Kookie, I'm so–" Jungkook tightened his grip on her, hugging her tighter and shutting her up.

"Why are you apologizing when you're the one who was being played with? Why are you feeling guilty when you should feel angry? Why are you still trying to find excuses?" He asked. "I want you to feel angry. I want you to know your actual worth. I don't want you to feel like this is how you should be treated. Why can't you see that you don't deserve any bit of it? Why can't you realize that you only deserve the best things in the world?"

Chaeyoung inhaled a shaky breath as she felt tears brimming her eyes again. These words from his mouth, they pierced through her heart like sun rays piercing through a cloud ridden rainy sky. She felt relieved. The warmth from his body felt like soft sun rays seeping through the window curtains of her room. His embrace felt like spinning in a sunny afternoon in a brand new dress. 

He felt like the sun to her rainy days.

Chaeyoung smiled to herself, as the teardrops rolled down her cheeks and onto Jungkook's t-shirt, staining dark circles on it. She wants to have more of his warmth. She wants to be engulfed by his rays. She wants to embrace his light. So she rests her head against him, closing her eyes and hugging him back.

She didn't say anything, and Jungkook felt like he didn't need to hear anything from her. The fact that she accepted his comfort was enough for him to know that she's actually considering his words in her mind. So he kept hugging her, refusing to let her go first. He wished that he could stop time so he could experience this for as long as he can. She fit so perfectly in between his arms. He wished they could stay like this forever.

But when he felt the steady rhythm of her breaths, Jungkook realised that Chaeyoung had fallen asleep. She had drifted off to sleep while she was hugging him. He thought it made sense, she must've been so tired after today. He was worried that she didn't eat dinner, but he didn't want to wake her up. Not yet.

He stroked her hair and exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He decided to carry her to her bed, so she can be more comfortable. Lifting her up as she is, he carefully walked towards her bedroom, and gently set her down. She groaned a bit, adjusting her position to be more comfortable and again, she drifted off to deep sleep again. Jungkook smiled and kneeled down next to the bed.

"I love you so much… god I wish you knew that." He said, softly grazing his knuckles on her cheek. "I'm gonna protect you from any type of sadness from now. I don't ever want to see that look on your face again."

And with that, Jungkook got up and left her room, silently closing the door behind him.

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