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I am here at a spacious room. Everything is perfectly organized into their places, but the bed is just messed up by the two boys sleeping deeply. There was Lawrence and Clyde. They're really drunk, just like what Clyde has told me a while ago.

I am here at Clyde's place. I was thinking of coming here, and my soul just sent me. I started manipulating their dreams. I stood still and merely looked at them, deeply sleeping.

I started.

"Cheers for Zach. He's just a legend for preserving his feelings for Vielka. Nice!"

I saw Lawrence yelling while raising his glass full of liquor.

We were all raising our glasses.

We continued drinking like there is no more tomorrow coming. I kept looking at the clock. Few more tick-tocks, and it will be twelve midnight.

My gaze went to Clyde as I noticed how drunk he was. He doesn't even know how to control his head, just bouncing again and again because of how the alcohol affected him.

There's Lawrence too, looking unconsciously to his shot glass while dabbling his liquor inside it. They were interrupted when I spoke.

"Hey! No more shots. We might pass out here drunk without waking up anymore," I said intently, and they lifted their heads to look at me. They were in total confusion, so I laughed.

I could remember how immature Lawrence was, but he still managed to cheer me up and comfort me while I was still alive.

Clyde, the most mature among us three and the most concerned about everything I was doing before. It's nice having them as my friends.

I was forced to blink, and my eyes went wide open when the scene just disappeared, and everything came back. I am still at Clyde's bedroom, looking at them, still sleeping.

However, a few seconds have passed, I started thinking of another place again while my eyes were shut closed. Everything was turning around me again.

I am here at the cemetery. I saw the two tombs inside a room with a gate. I saw the names being encrypted, Ernesto Ruiz & Felicia Ruiz. They are my grandparents who died while I was a baby.

I started to dream things with them.

"Grandpa, mom just brought me a toy!" I exclaimed while holding a bog box.

"What is that?" he asked.

I was excitedly removing the wrapper when grandma came holding a tray.

"You eat first before getting those things done," grandma said while putting down the tray, and I saw a plate of sandwiches and a pitcher of juice.

"No, grandma. I am eager to open this. It's so big," I exclaimed again. I saw a big toy car with a remote control inside the box. I immediately brought it out and had a try.

"Let me fix it. I think I got some batteries in the cabinet," grandpa said and walked away to get some batteries, and we inserted them inside the battery space in the remote control.

"Oh! Be careful on playing. You might bump into something," grandma said when grandpa and I immediately stood up to try my new toy car.

I wish I had the chance to play my toys together with my grandparents. I wish I had the chance to experience their comfort and love like how other kids experienced the unconditional love of their grandparents.

I was forced to blink again, and my eyes went wide open when the scene just disappeared, and everything came back. I am still in front of my grandparents' tombs.

Few seconds have passed, I started thinking of another place again while my eyes were shut closed. Everything was turning around me again.

I am here at my parents' office. There were many documents piled up. There was a classic song being played as it's their favorite genre.

I saw mom closing the curtains behind dad who was currently sleeping on his desk, for him not to be hit by the sunrays. Maybe he was tired of working yesterday or last night.

I started to manipulate dad's dream.

I saw mommy holding the ceramic plate where the turkey is being placed. It was quite big.

"Hello, Zach! Happy birthday, little cute boy," mom greeted me on my birthday, my fifteenth birthday.

"Mom, I am not a little cute boy anymore!" I embarrassingly said, and dad came down the stairs chuckling.

"Yeah, hon. He's right. He's a grown-up cute guy now. Right, Zachary?" dad teasingly said and messed up my hair. Dad always understands me.

"Okay, okay! I won't interfere anymore. I have two grown-up cute guys now, so let us eat this delicious turkey I have cooked," mom said, and all of us just laughed.

"Let's eat!" I uttered and positioned myself to eat.

No matter how stubborn I am sometimes, my parents never fail to cheer and make the best thing for me. They are worth treasuring.

I was forced to blink again, and my eyes went wide open when the scene just disappeared, and everything came back. I am still at mom and dad's office. Dad is still in a deep sleep while mom settled down on her chair and started doing her paperwork.

Few seconds have passed, I didn't notice the rushing of tears from my eyes until the sunrays brightly hit my face which caused me to dazzle. The sun just wants to see me from the small space at the middle of the curtains.

I started thinking of another place again while my eyes were shut closed because of the sunlight. Everything was turning around me again.

Now, I am in front of a restaurant, and I saw Alexis Grace's car beside me. I looked through its window, and I saw her sleeping inside her car. Maybe she was tired the whole day, especially that we slept late last night.

But I was taken aback when everything got dark. It was sudden. It was astonishing. The dark has been tolerated as the cold wind started to whoosh aggressively that caused the trees around the restaurant to sway.

It's an afternoon about to rain. My comfortable weather, my favorite weather.

I tilted my head to see how dark the sky was. There was nothing but dark clouds. Raindrops were falling, but I wasn't able to feel them. They just went down through me, ignoring me.

I started to manipulate and control her dreams.


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