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While I was playing with Zach and our friends, something caught my attention towards the woods. I don't know if it's something or someone, but it feels like I need to go there for no particular reason. I started marching myself away from my friends, but someone suddenly grabbed my hand.

"You can't go there Vielka, it's dangerous. They told me that there was something that could not be explained in that forest," Zach just did it.

I removed his loose grip from my hand, and I continued walking towards the woods. I turned myself around, and I saw how concerned his face was. He didn't move from his spot, so I walked again, and I never looked back.

I just went for a walk, and I didn't care that much if I am too far from them because I can remember the way through where they are.

As I walked faster, I remembered what my grandmother told me, that whenever I see something that I can't explain or something that's unusual, I should not make an eye contact and let them pass by. I always do it every single time and luckily, little do they know that I certainly see them.

No one knows about my condition, and I don't even know what the reason is and how it works. It is like a curse, but my grandmother always believes that it's a blessing.

While walking, something caught my attention again. Maybe that was similar to what I saw earlier, but this time, I am certainly sure that it's someone. I turned my gaze to somewhere, and I searched for it.

"I knew it! You can see me, and you saw me earlier, right?"

Someone spoke from nowhere. I looked at the different directions, and I noticed that something is moving at the top of the tree.

I closed my eyes shut, and I turned to run the path where I came from. I was gasping for air because of being shocked and nervous, but as I looked back to see if that creature was chasing me, I bumped into something that caused me to groan from pain as I fell on the ground full of dried leaves.

"No, no, no, little girl. I know you can see me. I just need you to do something for me, and I will do something for you in return," he uttered for the second time, and I was extremely frightened. I stood up and ran again to a different direction. But I failed, for he always appears wherever I go.

Again, he is in front of me.

"Are you a ghost?" I didn't hesitate to ask, though I was really scared, and my legs were trembling like a gelatin being shaken.

"What the fuck? I am not a ghost!" he said again with his baritone voice, which never failed to frighten me.

"That's what they told me," I said while thinking of a way on how I could escape this- as if a nightmare.

"I am Oxymo. I'm a deity that has been locked here at this forest," I was astonished and can't figure out what was happening.

I saw how angry he was by looking in his eyes. I think I offended him. What if he is a real deity? Should I believe that a creature like him exists?

"You just need to do one thing, just one freaking thing and in exchange, I'll do what you want. Deities don't break a deal," he offered. I wasn't expecting it to happen, but I just can't resist hearing everything he says, and it seems like I was being manipulated.

"Fine, what do you want me to do? Promise me you'll do what I say!" I said, and he simply nodded. He even gestured a cross on his heart. What a childish deity he is. Finally, I recovered from being scared, but I couldn't deny that half of me was trembling.

"Just blow those candles, and we can talk about what you want in this world," he commanded.

I did it. I just did it, not considering the things that he might do to me. I blew almost fifty candles around five trees. Surprisingly, the trees didn't burn even though the wind was strong enough to throw every chunk of fire to them.


He even closed his eyes while saying those words. I don't know what is he celebrating for, but I obviously need him to grant my wishes.

"I want you to protect me from evil. I can't always pretend to be blind when I actually see evil spirits like you, so I need you to protect me from time-to-time. You said deities don't break a deal," I told him, and I even clarified for him to fulfill his promise.

"Yes, deities don't break a deal. Do you know how to snap your fingers?" he asked. I don't fucking know how to snap my fingers, so I made a confusing look to nobody.

"Yeah, I know how to," I confidently answered even though I really don't know.

"You're a terrible liar. If you don't know, just simply say my name, Oxymo," he commanded and gave emphasis to his name.

I therefore conclude that he is a real deity. By saying his name from time-to-time, the wind blows stronger. It's creepy.

"Did you feel that?" he asked amusingly as I noticed the unfamiliar blow of the wind.

"Every time a deity says his name, the wind blows stronger. Do you remember my name?" he said and asked consecutively while smiling at me.

"Of course, I do. Your name is Ox---" what's happening? I can't remember his name.

"Oh, it seems like you don't remember my name. Maybe a deity did something to you to forget my name. By a snap, you can't summon me. By calling my name, you can surely summon me. Call me when you need me, goodbye."

I couldn't speak again, but the moment I blinked my eyes, he's gone. HE'S ALREADY GONE. He disappeared like a wind, or maybe he was taken by the wind.

What did I do?

A Night to Remember (A Night Trilogy Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now