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I am gasping for air as I am sprinting for how many hours now. Someone with a black hoody and black jogger pants, running by his black shoes is chasing after me without my knowledge of what he really needs from me. I didn't commit any crime, and I didn't even do something to that person because I don't even know who the fuck he is.

"Let me go! What do you need?" I spoke while I seldom look back at him abruptly while still on the race- as if.

He didn't utter any words, even just a cough or any signs of panting. I think he became one of the top sprinters in the world, but I commend myself, for he can't run after me.

From afar, I saw a little space beside the road, enough for me to hide. I won't let that person catch me. What if he kills me? What if he cuts me and sells all the things inside me? I just don't want those to happen. I wanna live. I still wanna live, for I have someone whom the reason for me to live.

I deeply swallowed my breath and doubled my pace until I got there. I wasn't aware of all the things happening. The wind is cold, and the sky is dark. I think it will gonna rain.

I looked at where that person was standing. He was looking for somewhere I could be hiding. There's no way he could see me here. The tree beside the road was tall and wide enough for it to cover me.

I feel relieved when he started walking straight from where he was. I then peeked out to see if he's still there, but I could see no shadows of him. I had the courage and time to leap out. I looked at my right and at my left. It's safe for me to run back home. I don't even know where I came from. It's so sudden.

I was about to run, but I was startled when a knife just came out from above of my right shoulder, and a warm arm has been wrapped around me.

"I am pretty sure you're searching for me," he said calmly with his deep voice near my ears enough for me to feel his breath coming out.

"Who are you? Why are you chasing me? Let go of me," I complained, and I gripped his arms with my both hands for him to let me go, but it wasn't enough. He's too strong.

"You'll know and recognize me soon, baby boy," he said while still holding his knife where I could see my resemblance on its shining blade. I didn't have any idea when it would be plunged into my precious body. Vielka's face flashed in my mind. Would it be my last time to see you? I hope I had the chance to kiss and hug you more before I settle myself to death.

Without a warning, I noticed his hands moved. As I looked on it, the knife was about to dig into my chest. I fell, I bounced up and down; I bathe with my own blood.

I came to realize knowing it was just a dream when the bell just rang. It's already lunchtime, but I don't know if I still have my appetite to eat, remembering how gross my dream was.

I can't calm myself because of my thoughts. I feel like I am a captive of my mind. I couldn't make myself free from being bothered. I am lost like an angel in hell. I didn't realize that I am this weak until that guy in a hoody just appeared in my dream.

My mood became fine when raindrops just fell consecutively outside the classroom. I looked at the window as I am just beside it. Everybody is out. They all went outside the classroom to eat their lunch. I smiled when I remembered what happened last night- on what happened to us last night.

"Hey! Are you not gonna eat?"

I immediately looked from where it came, and I saw Clyde with his hands inside his pockets. He has changed compared to his style during grade school. He looks very wholesome.

A Night to Remember (A Night Trilogy Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now