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Before I reach the hallway through my classroom, I looked first from afar to the people who were already inside of the building.

It's hard to go to school when everyone's eyes are on me. It was certainly not a big deal during my lower grades, but as I grew up, I tend to realize why such things are happening.

"Hey! He's here, come see him."

"Where!? where!? where!?"

"Over here! I can see him here."

The usual. It irritates me, but it'll be disrespectful if I tell them to stop.

Sometimes, I even force my dad to send me early to school in order to avoid people, but he's always busy in the morning, preparing everything he needs for his work.

Every morning, I always wait for him to finish all his chores for me to reach the school enough on time. However, if we can't make it before the call time of school, I am very sorry for myself not coping up for the flag ceremony or taking the responsibility to clean our room.

I do not possess any special belongings nor any perfect physical attributes, but I am maybe just too attractive to resist, or I just made something else for them to praise me aside from being on the top among aspiring academic achievers.

Anyway, here I am again. Hardly avoiding the gaze of my schoolmates until I reached our room with the sign pinned on the door- 5th GRADE; HAZEL.

I do not even have my phone now, so I have nothing to listen to while walking here because an examination is about to come no longer.

It's been a long time when the classes started, and I didn't even expect that it would become that fast. I don't even know how to handle things anymore, especially about Vielka. I have liked Vielka since second grade because I have witnessed how feminine she was and how beautiful she was, but on the other way around, there is something that I couldn't explain every time I see her alone. These days, she's always talking to herself, or let's say- she is talking to the air. As time went by, I felt something weird about her that I wasn't seen before- ever. She's becoming more mysterious, weirder, yet beautiful.


"Hey, Zach! I found a new gadget at home. It came from my cousin, and my mom gave it to me," somebody just ruined my meditation on my seat with my arms, which became my pillows. My friend Lawrence just made me more irritated.

"Didn't you see I was resting recently?" I asked him sarcastically for him to realize what he just did. Not a big deal, but I know he will just babble about the things he has recently known.

"Why? Don't you like my second-hand hoverboard? I even used it while I was on my way to school, so dad wasn't rushed anymore to---" he just stopped his own words when he noticed my plain reaction about what he's telling me.

"Okay. I think you don't like it," he then followed.

"Are you done? Can you please stop? I am bothered. That won't impress her either," I said emotionlessly, and he sat down in front of my desk to investigate.

"I smell something fishy here. Can you smell that?" he sarcastically asked, and I just got the time to go back from my recent position- sleeping in my arms.

"I took a bath this morning. That's not me," I said in a monotone and gave a deep sigh.

"I just saw Vielka in the corridor while I was on my way here to let you see my gadget. She's fine, but I think you aren't," he said, and I saw him exploring his hoverboard again when I decided to lift my head.

I let out a deep sigh for the second time today, and I stood up to go outside. I am totally confused, but he's here making fun of my feelings for Vielka.

"Hey! I was just pulling your leg, my handsome dude," he yelled, shocked about me walking out.

There's nothing good at school these days. Here's the examination, so I need to review my notes as soon as now. Here's Lawrence who always tease and play about my feelings for Vielka. And here's Vielka, always having a bank of her face here on my mind.

I can't explain what am I feeling for her. My conscience would hit me if I avoid her for no reason. I really admire and like her. I just can't explain. Damn feelings.

All I wanted to do is to go home early and sleep to banish all of my thoughts about how Vielka just rejected me. I wish I could go to bars to get drunk about love, but my age just doesn't permit me to do so, and my dad will probably scold me.

As I grew up, I finally became more sensitive about the things that surround me. I know now what it feels to be hurt or to be sad, just like what I always see from the movies. Life is not just about being happy. Millennials are just too different from the people before- I swear.

"Seeing Zach thinking such deep thoughts is not usual," Clyde said as he accompanied me here at the corridor. He's so different than Lawrence. I feel more comfortable and at ease with him, but I adore them both.

I just went here to ease the boredom inside the room as our teacher won't come because of an emergency meeting. I am here also to witness Vielka from the other part of the corridor with her friends. She's too adorable and attractive not to look at, especially when she smiles and chuckles around her friends. I let out a sigh before I answered Clyde.

"I can stare at her all day. Such a good scene," I answered Clyde unknowingly while I was staring at where Vielka was having a good time talking with her friends.

"Make a way lover boy," Clyde said and chuckled before leaning on the corridor's banister to make the conversation comfortable.

"Not now," I responded, and I started playing my fingers. I just felt nervous for no particular reason.

"But soon?"

We were taken aback when we saw Lawrence upon turning our back away, and he just uttered those words. He's been there eavesdropping? Anyway, we just laughed together and both of them slightly slapped my back. These boys.

A Night to Remember (A Night Trilogy Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now