Chapter Thirty-Four

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I snuggled under the blankets and kissed the back of Grady's hand. He'd been trying to get back to his office but I wouldn't let him go. My exhaustion was dragging me under faster than I could ascend from the haze the Deltas had put me under.

Grady kissed my cheek for at least the fourth time since he'd tucked me in. "I have to go, Charli. As much as I would love to stay here and nap with you the rest of the day, I have things I have to do."

Tears sprung up behind my eyes at the thought of him leaving me. "I don't want to be alone."

"I can send the Deltas."

"No. Never mind. You go. It's just a nap. I'll be okay." I pressed my lips to the back of his hand again before I reluctantly released him.

"Okay. I'll see you at dinner."

My eyes fluttered closed as my acknowledgement instead of the nodding like I'd intended.


"Charli, wake up. It's time for dinner."

My belly clenched at the thought of food. "Not hungry."

"You should eat."

I waved at the air, trying to bat away whoever was talking to me. "I sleep."

"Okay. If you're hungry later it's not my fault."



Grady's scent wrapped around me just before his arm did and he tugged me up against his body. "Goodnight, baby. I love you."

"Love you," I mumbled back. "So sleepy."

"That's okay. You rest. I kept you up half the night last night," he said with a quite chuckle against my ear.

"You did," I lazily complained. "All your fault."

I grunted as pain gripped my lower belly. I flipped over onto my other side, and then my eyes flew open. The seasons were changing, the mood swings I'd been feeling, my aversion to dinner- I was going into heat. I should've known after how mean I'd been for the last couple of days.

I leapt from the bed and locked myself in the bathroom. Curling against the farthest wall, I hoped I'd be safe. I'd never been in heat around anyone before, but suddenly I was in a house full of unmated males. I cursed as I slammed my head back against the wall. I should've known better. I should've remembered it was coming. 

"Charli?" Grady whispered sleepily. 

I covered my mouth, as if he wouldn't be able to tell exactly where I was within half a second if he really tried regardless of whether I made a single peep. Go back to sleep. 


I closed my eyes and wished with everything in me he would just fall asleep again. I was not ready to deal with him. I needed to think.

Footsteps fell closer to the door. "Are you in there?" 

Fuck. "Yeah, I don't feel too good. I'm okay though. Go back to sleep." 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing. Just go back to bed." He was going to be upset that I lied, but I would have to accept that. I wrapped my arm around my belly as the cramps became more painful and leaned my head back against the wall.

The doorknob creaked and I knew the jig was up. He'd not only found me, but also I was ignoring the Alpha and keeping distance between myself and my Fated mate. For as little as I knew about what those words could mean, I knew my choices weren't going to be taken lightly. "Charli? Open the door, baby. Let me in." 

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