Shasa Guten

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BC Sol...the team representing Spain.

Shasa Guten is a 15 year old girl, she has short blue hair that flares out and wears a turquoise hair clip that matches her sister's, Honey. Her eyes are purple. She wears and white and purple jacket with striped borders up to her neck with white striped at each corner and white wrist collars with a black stripe, she also has an X mark on her long sleeved jacket at the middle.She also has a white X and a dark blue star on the back of her jacket. She also has long blue pants with purple stripes running down to her shoes and her pockets and middle part are light green. Under her jacket, she wears a light green shirt. She also wears purple socks with light purples shoes with white soles and toe caps.

She is a member of the most strongest team in the blading world, BC Sol.

But these past four years, it dulled down a little bit.

Ever since her best friends, Valt Aoi, became the Beyblade World Champion, he left BC Sol, to compete in tournaments and defend his title, he is still a member of BC Sol, but he usually never comes back.

Her other friends, Rantaro,Silas,Free, and Rickson all went off on their own to compete by themselves.

Cuza Ackermann, he is a best friend of Valt and hers, he still competes and leaves on other tournaments, but he still lives in BC Sol.

Their leader, Kristina Kuroda is still the leader of BC Sol.

Honey, her sister, is now a blader, training along with Kit Lopez, Honeys best friend, to become stronger.

Raul is still the best Beytrainer they have right now.

Shasa, she still trains along in BC Sol, and the people she has left as friends are Cuza,Kit,Kris,Raul and Honey.

4 Years ago, her best friend Valt, became the world Champion after defeating Shu Kurenai in the Beyblade World Champions Tournament. 

Shasa watched every single one of his matches, admiring the strength and bond between his Bey, Valkyrie.

Shasa seen Valts, Winning Valkyrie, a Turbo Bey, in action and boy, was it crazy!

But Valt lost his title match, in the end, the blader destroyed Valt's Winning Valkyrie.

She was so shocked by what happened and felt bad for Valt, because he went through this before, and now he was going through it again.

But luckily, Valt came back with his new Turbo Bey, Cho Z Valkyrie, he won back his Champion title, from a different blader, Shasa doesn't really remember that bladers name, but he uses a Hades and he defeated the blader that beat Valt.

Valt defeated the user of Hades and became the World Champion again.

She watched Valt defeat Kit in battle.

But then, the same blader that destroyed Valt's Winning Valkyrie became Champion again, using an evolved form of his Turbo Bey, Cho Z Achilles.

She remembers the blader being non-other than Aiger Akabane.

For the past two years, Aiger reigned as the undefeated world Champion, and is still Champion to this day.

She hasn't heard anything from Rantaro,Silas or any of the other bladers that she remembers. To be honest, it was kind of depressing with those annoying and bratty bladers around.

Shasa's POV's been four years, and when I look back, we've all grown up, I remember when Valt and Rantaro first joined BC Sol, they were strong, I didn't even know they possessed that kind of strength.

And when Valt became World Champion, I was happy. But...I also looked back on my progress on my blading career. I keep asking myself if I'm getting stronger...or weaker.

I looked to my left and I see my bey, laying next to a picture, on my drawer. It was a picture of me and my friends eating, celebrating on Valt becoming champion.

I then look over to my bey, Giga Saturn. It's a Turbo Bey, I was so inspired by Valt and Frees Turbo Beys, I asked Raul to build me one, and boy did I not get it for free.

I had to train 24/7 just to evolve, Raul said I wasn't ready for a Turbo Bey. But after some hard work and training, I was finally ready to have a Turbo Bey.

My sister and Kit were so amazed by it. When I first launched Giga Saturn, it felt like I was trying to pull a car, the power of a Turbo Bey was out of this world, how can Valt and Free handle the power of these, it's insane!

But then, I thought about it again, it was probably because I wasn't strong enough. Sometimes, when I look at Valt and Rantaro battle against each other, they improve so much, everytime they battle, they level up.

To me, I felt like I was getting no where. Don't get me wrong, I love BC Sol. But I wanna improve to, Kit got so strong with his Turbo Bey, Air Knight, I remember he defeated Aiger once with it but I heard he lost to him once.

In all honesty, if I battled against Kit, it would be pretty unpredictable. Back then, I would burst Kits bey a lot. But two years later, he almost defeated Valt in a title match.

If he was almost able to defeat Valt, he could no doubt, beat me.

I'm in my room right now, laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I'm in my pajamas, now turning into my side. Looking at the picture of my friends.

It's hard to believe how everyone has changed these past four years. But if I had to pick one, of course, Valt would be the one that changed a lot. Everyone could agree with that. Back then, Valt was an immature, he always finds a way to embarrass himself, he always trips, makes funny faces and doesn't even think before battle. But, when time passed, he changed...and for the better. He's become more mature, more serious in battles, he doesn't trip and fall anymore, and he thinks before battle, and he always smiles, even when he loses. He also became more cuter-Wait! What? What am I thinking!?

I quickly shook my head, didn't know what I was thinking about, I then felt myself blush. I hid my face with both of my hands, rolling over, trying to get rid of those thoughts. After some times, I was able to do just that, but when I picked up where I left off, I also noticed how Valt and Valkyrie became much stronger.

But what about me?

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