The House Guest

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In a hotel about fifthteen minutes out of the town filled to the brim of doppelganger drama and family issues, Theta Mikaleson, or more commonly known as Theta Morningstar around said town, daughter to Elijah Morningstar, was packing her suitcase once more while calling her twin brother. You'd think being in Hell would give you bad cell reception, but to each their own, I guess.

“You need to apologize to Father, Theta.”

Said person scoffed at the mere mention of the world. “Why would I? You and I both know he’s in the wrong?”

“You’re both in the wrong, little sister.”

“Why aren't you on my side?” Theta asked as she folded one of her button ups. “You’re supposed to be on my side?”

“Because, sister. I weep for the beings that go against your wishes.”

“Har, har.” That was the only sarcastic reply the Princess of Hell could think of at the moment. A second passed, Theta slowly sat on the freshly made bed. “Henrik. How can you forgive him so easily after what he’s done to all of us?”

“Always and Forever, sister. That’s why. No matter what Father may do, he is our family and we stick together.”

“I know, Rik. But, how can I forgive him for this?”

“You don’t have too. You just need to understand he’s reasons.” 

“What about my reasons?” Tears well up in her eyes. “I miss being a family. I miss being together and living under the same roof.” Theta blinks rapidly, trying to keep the water at bay. “I miss pranking Uncle Nik with Uncle Kol. I miss shopping with Aunty Bex and Mother. I miss reading with Father. I miss,” One single tear trickles down. “I miss everything.”

“I miss all that too, Thee. But, If wishes were horses…”

“Beggars would ride.” The younger twin finishes. Putting her head in her left hand. “I’ll take some time before I can forgive him, brother. But, I will make an effort to listen.”

“And that is all I ask.” 

Theta gave a barely noticeable smile, before checking the time. Knowing if she wanted to see her Father before school she’d need to leave in the next five minutes. “I have to go, tell Mother I miss her.” 

“I will. Love you, Theta. Always and Forever.”

“Always and Forever.” 

Theta ended the call before speeding around the hotel room, making sure she didn’t miss anything. She stopped at the door with her suitcase. With one final nod, she left to see her Father. (Who she hasn’t spoken to all weekend.)


Theta teleported into the living room of Case de Mikaelson. She walked into her room setting her suitcase on the bed before stopping. It was quiet. Too quiet. The youngest Mikaelson scanned the place with her supernatural hearing. Not liking the outcome, she peaked her head from her bedroom door. “Father? It’s Theta. I think we have some things to discuss?”

Even though she knew no-one was in the apartment, the fact that Elijah didn’t answer was frightening. Zooming around the rooms, trying to find any clues on where he could be. Nothing. She’d try calling, straight to voicemail. She almost called a second time before stopping. A single sentence from there very last conversation played in her head like a broken record. “Now, I’ve been invited to a dinner party that I expect to be something of a front.”

Sins of the FatherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora