I Missed You

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"You were willing to give up everything for me." said legolas, regret in his voice.

"And then you left me when I actually needed you most." You said, irritated by his tone.

"I know." Legolas said and his face dropped.

"It is one thing to accept that you have moved on, but it is another to find that you are in love with my father. It makes me wonder if maybe you belonged with him all along." Legolas added, "We should set up camp here and then move for safer grounds tomorrow. I will take the first watch in case the orcs find us." And with that Legolas disappeared behind a tree and the tears you had been holding back broke though.

"Don't cry." Thranduil said softly, taking you into his warm embrace. You clung to him, burying your head in his chest.

"I didn't want to hurt him." You mumbled, against him.

"I know, but sometimes pain is unavoidable." Thranduil said, stroking your hair.

His presence calmed you more than he knew and after a little bit you began to feel a little better.

"How long?" You asked, remembering what Legolas had said. You pulled away from Thranduil so you could read his expression.

"How long?" he asked as if he was unsure of what you meant.

"Legolas said that you used to watch me. I was just curious about that." You mumbled.

"I have cared for you for some time." Thranduil confirmed but acted like he didn't want to say more.

You simply nodded, not wanting to push him further.

You pulled away from Thranduil and walked over to his elk, and started to stroke his course fur.

"Finally warming up to him?" Thranduil asks, a glint of humor in his eyes.

"I still think it is absolutely ridiculous that you can't ride a horse like everyone else." You stated, even though you really did love his elk.

"You are simply jealous that you don't have an elk." Thranduil mocked.

"Oh yes that is it. I envy your elk." You smirk.

Thranduil smiled at you, a sweet smile, and your heart melted. You had really missed him.

You stepped towards him, closing the distance between you, and wrapped your arms around his neck. Without another thought, you brought your mouth to meet his and you kissed him with everything you had. You put everything you were feeling behind that kiss, as you felt his arms tighten around you, and your fingers laced through his blonde hair. You held him to you, not wanting that moment to end, and when it did, you were both out of breath. You rested your head on his chest once more and heard his heart pounding too, as he rested his head against yours.

"I missed you." You said softly.

"Don't ever take off like that again. Okay?" Thranduil said, and his grip on you tightened a little more.

"Okay." You agreed, you didn't want to leave him again.

"You have no idea how horrified I was when Elrond told me that you had left." Thranduil said, and you could hear the pain in his voice.

"I'm sorry." You whispered to him.

"I left as soon as I finished yelling at him for letting you go alone. He was supposed to send my soldiers after me so they should find us soon, though I am not sure how far behind they are." Thranduil explained.

"I am really sorry I promise it wont happen again." You reassured him.

"It better not, because if it does I will lock you in my dungeon permanently." Thranduil said, and you felt as though he was only half joking.

"Is that so?" You teased him.

"It is." He replied, a smile growing on his beautiful face.

"You should rest, you look absolutely exhausted." He added, kissing your forehead gently.

"Will you lie with me?" You asked, wanting to feel his arms around you.

"Of course, my love." He smiled and laid out a blanket from his pack.

You nestled up against him, feeling his warm and his strong body next to you, and you quickly drifted off to sleep.

Out of the Shadows (Evergreen #2)Where stories live. Discover now