Surprises Of Sorrow

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"What..." Thomas stuttered, trying to break the silence as Janus let another tear fall down his face - Remus kneeling down next to him, "What was that?"
Patton & Roman got out of their trances by shaking their heads vigorously, Thomas looking back & forth between the sides in front of him.
"Janus... it wasn't your fault." the green-themed side whispered into the half-snakes ear, Patton looking at the two in confusion as Deceit lashed out;
"STOP LYING TO ME REMUS! You know very well that they left because of me." Janus yelled whilst still on his knees, on the edge of having a mental breakdown.
"What's going on, what was that - Janus are you okay?" Thomas asked, a worried & shocked look on his face - the embodiment of bad-creativity wrapping his arms around the yellow-themed side.
"Thomas, do you really want to know the truth - about everything?" Remus asked quietly, as Janus's breathing begun to speed up - his mind racing.
Their host just nodded, Roman & Patton looking around at the concerned faces - even their own.

"When you were at the age of seven, Logic wasn't a separate side - a sense of logic was within Patton to some degree. That meant that Logan didn't exist as you've know him for the past few years, but that doesn't mean that his body didn't exist." the duke begun, still holding the half-snake in his arms, "From what we have just witnessed, me & Janus now understand where that supposed 'dead side' went. He never died, he IS Logan - he went from representing your energetic energy, emotions, actions & maybe even crazy things to... Logic."
"But isn't that Patton?" Thomas asked, Remus sighing before continuing.
"Yes, now that is Patton - but not when you were seven years old. Patton represented your morality & selflessness and only that." the green-themed side told his host, "But one day - something happened that may not have changed the world entirely, but instead your mind entirely."
Remus took another breath - Roman, Patton & Thomas a bit calmer than before.
Janus was still unable to get up, his head was running in circles - he couldn't do anything with the thoughts in his mind.

"You were at school, playing an energetic and somewhat crazy over-the-top game. Within that game, you lashed out at a friend on accident because of a certain part of said game (which isn't important right now)," Remus spoke, taking a small breath before continuing, "After the incident, since you were learning a lot more religious things at the time - you were also filtering the rights & wrongs of all aspects. Since you saw that as wrong, you also saw the orange side (who's name is Robozzo) as wrong. Although he was always a dark side, the only reason on why that was so is because of the more minor events that had occurred before that specific one. Whenever you did something over-the-top or unnecessary, your parents would tell you off because of that extra energy you had as a child - that energy being Robozzo."
The duke took a break from speaking, giving the others a bit of time to process the information - before continuing.
"After that, me & Roman quite literally jumped to the opposite ends of the spectrum - which caused Patton to worry even more, considering that the 'light sides' at the time were me, Roman & Patton." Remus told the others, "This lead to one of the first interactions between a 'light' and 'dark' side - the sides involved in the interaction being Patton & Janus."
"What was the interaction about?" Thomas asked, the green-themed side looking back at Deceit (who was still on his knees) before continuing.

"The two talked about the things they could do to prevent things like that happening again (since Thomas had gotten into a lot of trouble from that experience alone), and they made a deal." Remus sighed, "It would be like a side exchange, me for... Robozzo. Janus agreed for Thomas's sake and had forgotten all of the fun times he had spent with Virgil & Robozzo - but it was too late to back down."
"I made a deal with Janus, but - I don't remember that..." Patton whispered under his breath - the duke only just hearing it.
"We will come back to that later," the green-themed side spoke, before going back to the subject at hand, "In short, when I entered the dark mind-scape Janus asked Robozzo to leave - he stayed silent for a second before just walking out of the area like it was nothing. Virgil & Janus had fights for the next year after that, until you turned eight - that's when Virgil left, but he didn't leave secretly."
"What do you mean?" Roman asked, his twin taking a breath before replying to the question.
"From what we know, the night before he left he placed a note on Janus's desk - it said, briefly, that he was a freak." Remus spoke, hoping that Deceit wouldn't break down from the words, "He probably left the next morning and hid somewhere in the 'light side's attic until the Sanders Sides series started."

"But if Robozzo did come to the light sides, then how did we not know that he & Logan were the same person - and why have I never seen him as Robozzo before. More importantly, why can't I remember?" Patton questioned, "Also, what about Roman - why can't he remember either?"
Remus breathed, "All sides that were 'born' first on either side would be either gifted or cursed - Patton, you were gifted with the ability to remove memories from yours or anyone's mind. Janus & Robozzo were born around the same time (because of Thomas's energy & wants/desires - which Janus controls) - this caused both of them to be cursed or gifted."
"What were the curses or gifts?" Thomas queried, the duke sighing before answering.
"Robozzo's gift was the ability to connect minds, as we mentioned earlier - and Janus's curse was to have a half-snake face." Remus replied quietly, "However, back to Patton's ability. Patton removed the memories of the events from his & Roman's minds - but he accidentally removed his own memory of having those very powers in the first place. I know of this because I control unwanted thoughts - so any of the unwanted thoughts that Patton got rid of would come to me."

"So your saying that Robozzo changed into Logan/a 'light side' like Virgil did?" Thomas asked, Remus nodding slightly before speaking again.
"Sort of, although neither me nor Janus would expect such a drastic change in what one would represent if they changed sides - Virgil's seemed pretty simple, but Robozzo going from crazy and energetic to logical and calculative just seems weird." the duke spoke, "He probably forced the change a lot more than Virgil did - but I don't know, since I didn't chase them down or anything. The only reason on why I know of so much is from putting the puzzle pieces together - unfortunately when Janus put his pieces into place he begun to break down as you can see, that was because of his regret."

Thomas, Patton & Roman were processing all of the new information that Remus had just given them - Janus beginning to calm down a bit more.
The atmosphere of the apartment begun to lighten up a bit - minutes past by but all stayed silent, until one of the sides spoke up with a slightly bubbly voice.
"Come on guys, let's go back to the mind-scape and just chill out for the rest for the day." Patton suggested, Roman nodding - as the pair sunk down into the home of the sides.
Remus & Janus followed behind them, as Thomas walked up the stairs to his bedroom to get his phone.

~ In The Mind-Scape ~

Janus & Remus came up from the ground last, Roman & Patton appearing in front of the curtains & the other pair with their backs to the stairs.
"I'll take Janus to his room so that he can calm down a bit more." the green-theme side told the others, before sinking down again in order to appear in the half-snakes room.
"Let's make something for lunch kiddo, try to get our mind off things you know?" Patton suggested, Roman nodding before following morality towards the kitchen - hoping, just hoping, that this could brighten up their day - after all, sometimes it's just best to take a break once in a while.

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