Logan's Room

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It was quiet in the area, the only sound emerging being the slow flow of air coming in through the slightly open window - light shining in along with it.
The walls were white, practically spotless - but the room was shockingly small compared to the other side's rooms.
Anyone would expect that the teacher's room would've been a bit more large, just like a classroom, in order to store a few more planners or papers but no - it was small.
The good thing was that in the mind-scape, it wasn't that hard to change the area around the sides - just one click of your fingers and your room could be as big as a zoo without changing the outside looks of the space.

'BANG!' a wooden door flew open, slamming shut only a millisecond afterwards, a figure in a black t-shirt and navy blue tie sliding down the door whilst breathing heavily.
"He's just a robot. Why should his opinion matter - he literally doesn't HAVE emotions?! Oh shut up Al-blurt Einstein. His brain may be filled with facts, but none of them have to do with Thomas' emotions!" the voices swirled around in his head whilst a small tear rolled down the right side of his face, his glasses sliding down his nose.
He then slowly took in the sight of an oak wood table in the far right corner, a single sized bed to the left and a closet on the right-hand side wall closer to himself.
On the desk was a small grey lamp facing the centre of the wood and to it's right two books which were weirdly on top of each other in slanting positions.

Suddenly, the sound of a fist banging on wood repetitively & loudly echoed into the logical side's ears - causing him to jolt off of the carpeted floor.
He took a deep breath, waved his hand in front of his face (which caused the tear marks that were there to fade away somewhat) and turned around, pulling the door open by it's silver doorknob.
The bland but curious look on his face stared at a man with a patchy black & purple hoodie who was standing in the hallway - surprising him a bit.
"Salutations Virgil, what brings you here?" logic asked blandly, anxiety scanning the nerd's face as if he had the the ability to read minds.
"*sigh* Logan, if I was able to even be alive around two emotion-hiding morons for my entire childhood, then I think I'll know when someone is acting the same way today." the fight-or-flight reflex looked at the man who wore one of his iconic ties, which was slightly looser than normal.
The teacher looked away before gazing back at the anxious persona, "If you are implying that I am hiding something from you, then you won't need to stay here any longer since there is nothing that I am hiding."
The fact that the intellectual didn't show much eye contact made the emo breathe another sigh before pushing the other backwards into his room, pulling the door shut with his foot.

"Virgil, why did you-" The intelligent facet spoke, before being cut of by his observant peer who was scanning the room whilst holding him to the wall next to the recently closed door.
Virgil seemed to be printing a photo within his mind, as if he was taking in a whole new environment and trying to memorise it.
The bland walls, the almost empty bed side table, the chair with scratched wheels, the plain curtains, the calendar on the wall, the dusty brown carpet with drops of liquid seeping in where his friend was sitting in only moments before - he took it all in.
Anxiety whispered under his breath, a few memories popping into his mind before quickly fading away - the purple-themed man turning back to face Logan, who was staring at him in slight confusion.
"What's going on Logan? I'm not blind, and neither are you." the hoodie-wearing asset questioned tensely, the nerd looking at him with a slightly shocked look on his face - which was soon replaced with a bland expression.
The dark-blue themed personification then replied, "Nothing, just-"

"This isn't the Logan that I know, you would never say 'nothing' - you would say something like 'I am unaware of what you are talking about'. What-is-going-on-Logan?" the anxious male was making the atmosphere within the room more cold with his stern voice, the logical man looking away as if he was avoiding even being able to talk.
The intellectual sighed deeply, before speaking, "Can you answer my upcoming question Virgil?"
The questioned side breathed slowly, "What is it?"
He didn't want the other to change the subject, but he couldn't ignore the gut feeling that the teacher was truly curious.

"How are you able to read me so well?" The intelligent persona asked, knowing that it would give the fight-or-flight reflex the knowledge that his observations were quite accurate.
The observant facet thought of the fact that he had done that so well, with logic's interesting reassurance of course - before letting go of him, the nerd looking at him with a wondrous look in his hazel eyes.

"When I was still a dark side, me and two other people were more introverted than anything - but we still cared for each other." the purple-themed asset begun, "However, I was always the most secretive - and the 'motherly' one of the group (who was kinda like Patton) would always be able to sort of read my mind just by looking at my surroundings, and the looks on my face."
Logan's chest hurt slightly, a tsunami of memories washing over his mind - however he was still listening to the emo's response to his own question.
"Before I left, I may have been rude to him but I still learned from him. I had learned how to read the other's minds in the way that he did. So, I used that skill on you." Virgil concluded, the teacher looking away before breathing slightly.

"I can't hide this forever." he thought to himself, before taking another breath (still under the tension that the other man had caused) and then he spoke, "I need to tell you something, but... before I do tell you I must apologies for what I am about to inform you of."
Anxiety nodded, before the pair sat down on top of the dark-blue covered bed - the neck-tie wearing side taking a deep breath before speaking,
"You see..."

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