Chapter 10

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Yami POV

I run up the stairs and into Yugi's room. He's already doing his homework, the good student that he is, and doesn't hear me walk in. I sneak over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, making him jump.

"Y-Yami," he stutters, trying to get out of my grasp. I smirk and rub my nose against his neck. His face goes bright red and he begins squirming again.

"Yugi, what's the matter," I tease, letting go of him, just to grab him again so that we're facing each other. 

"What the Ra was that," Yugi demanded. I smirk and lead forward and place a gently kiss on his lips. Yugi doesn't seem into it so I break it pretty quickly.

"It's called flirting with my boyfriend, heard of it," I joke. He rolls his eyes in annoyance before he gives me a quick peck on the lips and jumps up and out of my grip.

"Catch me if you want another," he says, standing a couple feet away from me.

"Why Yugi, you have made a bad decision," I reply slyly. "You have three seconds." One. Yugi yelps and begins running away. Two. I hear the door to the downstairs open and Joey yell again.

Three. I hop up from my seat and run down the stairs and out the door. I turn to see Yugi fleeing down the street and I smirk. I begin to chase after him. At one point, he looks behind him to see if I've found him and yelps when I grab him.

"Caught you," I breathe. 

"Indeed you did," Yugi grumbles, trying to weasel out of my grip.

"Ah-ah-ah. What about my prize," I whisper, leaning down and pressing my lips gently to his. He rolls his eyes. I run my tongue against Yugi's bottom lip gently. He opens his mouth and our tongues begin to battle for dominance.

I win and begin tasting Yugi's cavern. He tastes like vanilla and sugar. I smile to myself as Yugi presses himself up against me more, without breaking our kiss. 

I snake my left around his waist and my right grabs the back of Yugi's head. He grasps my hair and lets out a deep moan.

"Yugi, I love you," I tell him when the need for oxygen grows to be too great.

"I love you too," he whispers.

"GET A ROOM," I suddenly hear two very annoying voices chime. Yugi groans as he looks at Bakura and Marik.

"I thought I told you guys to stay out of my head. You two are Yami's problem," he growls and I look down at my little aibou.

"Aibou? When did you talk to them," I ask, suddenly concerned.

"Yesterday when I saw them in class. I told them to buzz off," he says with a smirk.

"Makes sense," I suddenly hear two voices say. I turn to see two people who look a lot like Bakura and Marik. "Those two can be quite annoying!"

"Don't pretend that you don't like it Ryou," Bakura says, dipping the one who looks a lot like him. Ryou's face goes bright red. Marik dips the one who looks like him and says, "Yeah, don't be a hater Malik. We haven't seen you in two years!"

Yugi and I stare at each other in confusion and helplessness.

300 reads! OH MY RA! Thank you guys so much! This means the world to me! I never expected one of my books to get this much love (or any love for that matter)! You guys are amazing and I can't believe that you amazing people took time out of your day to read my things. Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!

Thank you! 

Anyways, I just got a crazy idea for this story so this is not ending anytime soon for those of you who want me to continue this!

Other Half to the Soul (Yugi x Yami)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz