Chapter 5

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Yugi POV

Once I got home, I raced up to my room (trying not to catch Joey's attention). Joey must have been off with his friends or something because he wasn't here at all. I smile to myself as I grab the Millenium Puzzle.

"Ready guys," I ask Ryou and Malik. Whenever I turn into King of Games, we all merge our spirits together, causing a very strange and deep connection between us. Ryou and Malik nod in acceptance.

"Playtime is over! Transform," I say and Ryou and Malik's spirits rush towards me and encase me in light as my clothes begin to change and my look. My blue leather jacket becomes a light white sweater that can cover up anything or anyone no matter that size. My long blue pants morph into tight black jeans. My shirt becomes a marble of black and white. My shoes are the only things that don't change drastically. They just morph into black and white tennis shoes. My pointy starfish hair becomes even wilder. An eye mask covers my eyes and my thin figure in encased with light once again before the transformation is done.

"Thanks guys," I say before I grab my sword and rush out the window to meet Pharaoh Atem. He's standing there, staring off into the distance. "Atem," I ask quietly. Atem and I are basically polar opposites, his outfit makes him stick out while mine helps me fit in. If he has spirits that he merges with, they make him flirty and over the top, while Ryou and Malik make King of Games shy and quiet. Atem is always trying to find ways as an excuse to figure out my identity, but I refuse. Ever single time.

"Hey King," Atem says, looking at me strangely.

"What's wrong," I ask, looking at him with concern. He lets out a sigh.

"Do you know who your soulmate is," he asks and I nod.

"Yeah, today's my birthday," I tell him and he nods.

"That's great. Today I woke up and got you," Pharaoh Atem says slyly and my eyes widen. How? I got Yami!

"But I-I didn't get you. I got Y-one of my friends," I cut myself off before I can reveal who it is and possibly give away my secret identity.

"Who," Atem asks with a smirk and I shake my head.

"I won't tell you and you can't force me," I whimper. He simply smiles at me sadly and sighs.

"Ready for the rounds," he sighs. I nod and we go through the city checking for trouble. Nothing happens so we head back to our meeting place. 

I'm about to hop down from the roof when Atem grabs my arm. "Whatever's happening, all I know is you're mine and I'm yours," he whispers before he wraps me into a hug. I tense, how can he be so accepting to this. He has me, yet I don't have him... How is this possible?

He lets me go and before he can say anything, I zoom off, hoping he won't follow. I jump through my window and into my bed with a unflattering groan.

"It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game," I mutter so Ryou and Malik can be free once again. They leave and my clothes and look change back to normal and I sigh in exasperation.

"WHAT THE RA IS GOING ON," I scream into my pillow. First, I get Yami who starts being strange. Then, I meet up with Pharaoh who claims he has me. Ugh, what's going on?

Crap, I told Yami I'd meet him. I hide my sword and grab a light sweater and dash out the door and right into Yami. "Hello Aibou," he says with a chuckle. 

"Aibou?" I ask, hesitant to the nickname and the fact that he has given me a nickname.

"It means partner," he says and wraps an arm around my waist. "Because we're partners now," he whispers quietly, letting our heads rest on each others. I smile, actually I feel more comfortable around Yami then I do Atem. Why was Atem so easy to let go?

"Well where did you want to go," I ask him, breaking away from him. I don't get an answer. I turn around to see Yami pouting like a small child. 

"Come on lover boy," I laugh and grab his arm and drag him into the house. "I have to leave a note for Joey so he won't worry." He smiles and nods.

Yugi's getting a little overwhelmed with all that's happening... sorry. But anyway, thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!

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