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Sorry not a chapter, but bruh. HOW?! How do I have 2.7k reads on this book?! Thank you guys so much for supporting me and reading my work. Wow, 2.7k reads... that's amazing! I feel so bad that I rarely update now.

I have a lot of work at school so there are rarely times I can do it there but also when I'm at home I have to do a lot of homework then rush to do a class or a rehearsal for a show. I apologize for not updating as frequently, but I'm going to try to update this book by the end of the week.

Writing makes me really happy so I'm glad that you guys read this!

See you Friday hopefully with another chapter.

Other Half to the Soul (Yugi x Yami)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin