Chapter 6

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"Come on lover boy," I laugh and grab his arm and drag him into the house. "I have to leave a note for Joey so he won't worry." He smiles and nods.

NOW! Yami's POV!/ Pharaoh Atem's POV

"Yugi, how'd you feel about catching a movie," I ask as he scribbles a quick note to Joey. He freezes for a moment, his face filled with with thought, before he nods.

"Sure, that sounds like fun," he mutters as he folds the note up and places it under a mug. "So a classic dinner date then?"

"Sure," I reply back with a smile. Why is Yugi so cute? I wrap an arm around his waist and drag him outside and into the breeze. He smiles up at me with confusion in his eyes that he clearly is trying to hide.

"Yugi, what's wrong," I ask as we continue to walk to Burger World. 

"It's nothing," the boy mutter quietly.

"Yugi, what's wrong," I ask and he looks up at me with fear evident on his eyes.

"Yami, what if somebody told you that they had you after you and another already knew that they were soulmates," he asks quietly.

"Wha-What do you mean," I ask. Did somebody tell Yugi that they were his, even though his arm has my initials? Well, actually that might make sense because I don't have Yugi...

"Never mind," Yugi mutters as we walk into Burger World.

"What do you want," I ask and he smirks up at me. 

"I want a six piece nugget kids meal," he says with a smirk. Lucky Yugi, he can get away with buying stuff off of the kids meal and not looking like a weirdo because he's so short.

Fine. I nod and order his food and mine. After a few minutes, our food is ready so I grab it and instead of sitting down, I walk right out of the building and towards the park.

"Yami," Yugi exclaims, running to catch up with me. I chuckle and stop walking to let Yugi catch up with me.

"Let's eat dinner outside," I say, handing the food to Yugi and laying my jacket down on the wet grass. Yugi sighs and nods, sitting down besides me on the uniform jacket. He takes out his food and begins chewing it slowly. He doesn't eat his fries so I end up eating them for him. 

We walk towards the movie theater (note, I have no idea who movie and dinner dates work I'm trying) and I get tickets to Radioactive (because apparently that's in the box office... i just looked up what movies are in theaters by the way...).

We skip popcorn because Yugi doesn't really seem into forcing more food into his small stomach. We sit down in our seats just as the movie begins to play the trailers.

I wrap an arm around Yugi and bring him into my chest. He blushes scarlet but doesn't say anything as he stays in my seat and I stay in mine so that we're not too close.

After the movie, I walk Yugi back towards his house.

"Thanks Yami," Yugi says sweetly, looking up at me with his natural cute smile. I have to fight back a blush as  I nod my head at him. I walk him up to his door and let him open it. We are met with the sight of a furious looking Joey Wheeler.

"YUGI MUTO!" Joey yells. "I TOLD YOU THAT YOUR CURFEW IS EIGHT THIRTY!" I check my watch. It's almost eleven o'clock. Yugi's face goes bright red and he rushes inside past Joey, who then sees me and glares.

"Well if it isn't Yami Sennen," he says with a sneer. Joey has hated me ever since Yugi invited me to his sixth birthday party. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

"H-Hi Joey," I stammer, looking at Joey. (i'm just going to say that Joey is Yugi's parental guardian or whatever...) He narrows his eyes and snaps, "What were you doing with Yugi?"

"W-We're soulmates," I whimper, my pride failing me.

"Is that so," he asks, but this time the venom isn't in his words.

"Yeah," I whisper.

"Okay then. You may continue to go out with Yugi then," he says with a smirk, as if I need to ask his permission to date Yugi.

Finally, I actually was thinking of having them kiss, but na. I don't need to do that yet (and also because I'm just trying to update a lot of stories before seven)

Other Half to the Soul (Yugi x Yami)Where stories live. Discover now