adrenaline starts to flow

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Jason's eyes started to grow heavy driving down the empty dirt road. It was a long day of patrolling for him and his partner, Chief James Hetfield. Jason noticed from the corner of his eye that James was staring him down. His heart started to race but kept his eyes glued down on the road ahead.

'What's wrong with Het, he's been looking at me weirdly all day. Oh god is my hair a mess or something'

James was staring down Jason's perfect, muscular body and long curly hair as he drove.

'Damn he looks so good in his uniform'

He wore a shirt that made his beautiful muscles bulge and some skin tight denim jeans, kinda inappropriate for an officer don't ya think?

The chief's hands started to crawl to his ever growing erection but he stopped himself before moving any further.

Damn he needed him so badly he couldn't take it any longer, he's been waiting nearly two goddamn years to finally go for it. Somehow tonight seemed appropriate...

~Two years ago~

"Welcome to the team Newkid" James said in a teasing voice.

"Thanks Chief I'm happy to be here." Jason laughed, filled with excitement for his new occupation.

"You can just call me Het, Newkid"

James had just hired his new partner after Cliff left the job. Jason was young and innocent, filled with life.

'What a cutie, wait stop James you can't think that he works for you'

'Well that's even better, I'll be around and alone with him all the time'

James couldn't get these dirty thoughts out of head whenever he looked at his new partner.

Jason had just graduated from the academy when he heard about the job. He had to get it right away, he always looked up to the Chief and would be honored to work right beside him.

Jason couldn't stop himself when he thought about the Chief.

'My god he looks absolutely breathtaking, and the fact that he has all this power over me is even better' the masochist inside of Jason shuddered.

The Chief always wore a cowboy hat that covered his short brown hair, a tight white short sleeve shirt with a leather vest, belt bottom jeans and heavy looking black boots.

That alone made the Newkid fall in love with his partner, but he could only keep these thoughts in his head because, James looked like the last person to be seen as gay.

That idea was brought to questioning though, when James would sometimes "accidentally" touch his now Deputy by the coffee stands and in their cop car, and flash some seductive looks in his way.

Sometimes James would lock himself in the bathroom or his office just to jerk off to the Deputy, quietly cumming while moaning his name among other things. One time Jason opened his office door to deliver some papers while James was in the middle of his little escapade, but was yelled at immediately to GET THE HELL OUT. Jason's knees almost buckled right there by that. James apologized and said he was just "fuming because of another case he was working on".....yeah ok then.

~Back to present day~

James truly couldn't handle it anymore.

"Hey uh, could ya pull over there Newkid." 

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