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I lightly snored in the back of the car we were in, making Kie hit me awake.

"I didn't do it." I muttered jumping up, holding my hands up. Kie looked at me and rolled her eyes facing back towards the front.

"We gotta get you off the island. It's the only way." JJ said.

"The ferry. It's the only way."

"Yeah exit stage left while you still can."

"Isn't that gonna make him look more guilty?" I asked yawning.

"Guys just get down." Kie muttered and I laid my head back down watching the police car speed past.

"Sarahs not a pogue, John b."

"Yeah you can't stay here, man."

I looked over at the boy I had thought of my brother for the longest time and my eyes softened, "you can't run from your problems John b."


I groaned looking at the flier on the wall. Ferry closed and the other said 25k reward.

I pulled off the one with John b photo and stared at it as I walked back to Kie car.

"I might turn him in myself." I joked while leaning around the Kia car.

"Not the time, Addie." Kie said.

"Bad news, the ferry is closed. And there's this." I said handing it to Kie and getting in the back seat. "25k? Really? You're worth a lot of money JB." I muttered.

"This is a good framer of you John b." JJ said.

"Okay, the whole island is looking for John B right now."

"Congratulations John b. You're now famous."

"Guys we got to get to the HMS. We need Small, no running light-"

"Bubble burster here, it's at the chateau. They gotta have the entire place staked out." I muttered.

"Lemme think lemme think." Pope said. "JJ."


"Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, the phantom. The one he used to race." Pope asked.


"You could get right up the coast, no problem."

"Okay look. The surfs rubbing from three to four."

"It won't be easy, Pope. I don't know where the keys are."

"We'll find them."

"I'm thinking."

"Why is nobody moving forward?"

"Can you relax? JJ how much weed did you give him?"

"Guys. The cars on the poster."

Pope honked the horn of the car, making me slap my forehead. "So much for not making a scene."

"Don't honk the horn!"

I looked out the window and saw a little boy pointing at us. "Daily reminder to take my birth control. We got a snitch. Pope, come on let's go." I muttered hitting the back of his seat.

"Hey he's right there!" I looked over to see a man banging on the window. John b rolled over as the man continued to bang on it.

"We gotta go!"

"Pope, turn the freaking car on!"

"I am trying!"


Pope rammed forward hitting the car in front of us, making me slide forward. "Gosh." I muttered , JJ grabbing my waist and pulling me back

"Pope jeez!"

"Dude back up!"

"The other way!"

Pope continued to go forward. I got the car and eventually around it, on the grass. We screamed at the boy for reckless driving.

"What are you doing!"

"Why are we letting a first time smoker drive us!" I yelled.

"Pope pope watch out!"

I sighed and just closed my eyes holding on to JJ arm knowing it was going to be a long bumpy ride. Very bumpy.

"My moms gonna kill me.''Kie muttered after we ran fully over a mailbox.

"I should be the last to say this, but you are not okay to drive. Stop!" JJ yelled at the boy.

Pope slammed on the brakes and turned to look at us. "John b get out."

"He's right. We'll draw the cops, you run. I'll get the rig and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow okay?" JJ said as John b opened up his door. "Three o'clock tomorrow okay? Three tomorrow at the dump."

"Gosh be safe JB."


I laid my head against the window, my arm wrapped around my knees as I closed my eyes trying to get rid of the massive headache I had.

"Pope, you clocked that car, man. Like that was so bad!" JJ laughed over the music.

"I'm just glad I'm not driving now." Pope said.

"Oh my gosh. Pull the hell over Pope!" I yelled finally cracking. The smell of weed and their annoying voice just made my headache so much worse, not to mention horrible driving.

He swerved the car and eventually stopped. JJ's face was smiling a tad and I looked at him glaring. "JJ it's not funny. He shouldn't be driving." Kie yelled at him getting out of the car.

"Mamas mad." JJ said, smiling , making me hit his shoulder. "I don't know why you encourage this behavior. I thought you'd be mature about this whole situation."

"Come on baby, I'm just playing." He shrugged.

"Well 'baby' maybe not when your best friend is wanted for murder. 'Kay? 'Kay." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Bitch." He muttered under his breath.

I cocked an eyebrow at the boy, making his face go a little white.

"Whatcha you call me?" I asked.

He started quietly and I clicked my tongue. "That's what I thought."


Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now