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"Shut up. What?" John b asked. I leaned over the boat and scoffed in shock. "Looks like a boat guys."

"No way." Kie said

"No no guys. I'm serious. There's like a boat down there for real." He said almost freaking out. "It's a boat!"

"Holy shit He's right. Let's go." Kie said. John b threw off his shirt and jumped in. Kie after and then pope.

"I'll stay up here to save y'all when you drown." I said laughing looking down at my friends in the water.

"Bor-ing." JJ yelled

"Thought you said I was the fun?"

He shook his head. "Kies the fun now." He smirked before diving down to the boat. My smile fell and I sighed sitting down on the boat. Kie was always the better friend, even if I had been there longer. It wasn't a great feeling to always be in the shadows of your hotter friend.

My friends broke the surface of the water laughing among themselves.

They swam to the boat I helped pope up.

"That's a primo rig." JJ said, getting on.

"Yeah yeah yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge." John said.

"Maybe it hit the jetty or something." JJ asked.

"You surfed the surge?" Me and Kie asked at the same time looking at the boy like he was insane.


"That's my boy. Pogue style." JJ said beaming like a proud dad high-fiving John b.

"JJ don't encourage this." I said, rolling my eyes. "Yeah what the heck?" Kie added

But the boys seemed to ignore us.

"Wait wait. Do we know who's boat that is?" Pope asked.

"Nope but we're about to find out." John b smiled, pulling out the boat's anchor.

"It's too deep." JJ noted.

"Oh for the weak and feeble jj."

"Well I'm not resuscitating you, I'm just making that Clear upfront." I mumbled crossing my arms. Sometimes I wondered why I was friends with such reckless people.

"That's fine."

"John b." Kie said, looking at him. "What?" He asked. I Rolled my eyes and scoffed. Boys were honestly oblivious.

"Diver down fool." Pope smiled.

"Diver down."

"Yeah he is." JJ said, pushing him in making me flinch.

I huffed and walked to the edge looking into the water.

"Hey your bleeding." JJ said, whipping his thumb over my bottom lip. I pushed his hand away, not really in the mood because of his encouragement of John b actions. "I'm fine."

I stared into the murky water looking for any sign of John b. Gosh if he drowned right now I was going to hurt him.

"Should we go get him?" Pope asked

About that time he broke through the surface coughing and rubbing his face.

"Oh my god that took forever." Kie said in relief.

"Any dead bodies?"

"Looting potential?"


"No. No. I found this motel key." John said, holding up a key.

Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now