Bonus chapter

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I'm so bored waiting for season two so I can write more of this book so here's alittle bonus cute JJ Chapter.

John B porch was disgustingly filled with mosquitoes that I thought I may contract some virus from them. It was unbelievably hot today, and humid. I thought I may die. The sun setting was the only joy of sitting outside.

JB didn't seem to mind as he swatted them away effortlessly as he laid on the couch half asleep. Beads of sweat dripped off his forehead onto the pillow next to him.

A soft sound from a moter bike was beard approaching the the house. Another person to come sweat with us.

The beer in my hand was now hot making it almost unbearable to drink. Almsot.

"You look awful." JJ said walking up on the porch. I smiled at him sarcastically and flipped him off at his words. He smiled at me, leaning down pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Get a room." John b muttered throwing his pillow he was laying on at me and JJ hitting Both of ours faces.

"Not like you and Sarah suck eachother dry everytime you see eachother." JJ said rolling his eyes at John b before moving my legs of the couch so he could fit down. He put them back over his lap and rested his hand on my thigh.

"I just came to pick up Addie." JJ said making me roll my eyes at him. "If you think I'm getting on your bike with you, your crazy."

"Crazy for you." He smiled wickedly, "come on Addie I have a whole night planned! And this will never happen again so you need to take me up on this offer."

I sighed and sat up straight, throwing my legs off of his lap. "I'll take you up on it." I should I probably be more greatfull but knowing JJ, we'd both be, 
A. In jail
B. Dead by the end of the day.
Not how I wanted to spend my Friday night.

"Sweet." He said standing up grabbing my hands and pulling me up with him.

"See ya JB." Jj said saluting his friend off, John b tiredly returning it.

"Bye Addie." He smiled at me. I kissed my fingers and used the hand to wave bye at him, "See ya later."

JJ pulled me to his bike and he got on. I looked hesitantly at it before swinging myself over it gripping JJs waist tightly.
"Dont fall off." JJ said starting it up.

"Thanks." I muttered burring my head into his shirt. Hey at least I hopefully would get some wind too cool me down.

JJ started dring towards the direction of figure 8 leaving me even more confused. The wind slapped at My hair that would hit JJs face once in awhile. I was afraid if i moved my hand to pull it back, I wood fall off. But also I was afraid if I didn't, JJ would get blinded and crash.
So to comprise the two I pulled my head off his back and stared up at the fast moving trees and houses going past us.
The only sound was from the bike and it was honestly peaceful.

Soon JJ pulled up to a house, I immediately recognized it as Sarah Cameron's house.
He turned off the bike, holding off and helping me off as well. My legs were numb from the vibration of the bike making me hold onto JJ shoulder for support. It was now fully far outside, I didn't even know when the sun had disappeared.

"Why are we-" he didn't let me finish As he was already pulling me towards the Gate. He typed in a code and it opened, pulling me inside the grounds.

"Cameron's are gone this week. Sarah gave me the code." He said. Didn't really answer my question but settled a few of my nerves.

He pulled us around the back of the house.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked making JJ chuckle but not say anything.

As we approached the backyard, I had figured we were probably swimming.
My idea was right as we walked up to the poor taht has lights strung over the water, probally a fire hazard but it was cute.
A white sheet hung against the Cameron's house and a projecter on the other side of the pool.

"Wow who new Maybank could be a romantic." I said smiling at the boy who smiled brightly back at me.
"Only for you." He said before ripping off his shirt.
I took off my own clothes revealing a bathing suit I had been wearing all day.

JJ walked around the back of the pool and turned on the projector, a laptop attached to it that I assumed was Sarah's.

The Home Screen of titanic appeared on the screen. It was a weird movie chose since neither me or JJ have ever talked about this movie.

"Sarah suggested it. I Thought you would appreciate it more then playing titanic." He said.

My eyebrows scrunched, "how do you play titanic?"

"I'm the iceberg and you go down." He said smiling at me innocently making me roll my eyes at the boys dirty mind.

"And there goes romantic JJ." I said stepping into the pool.

The movie started and JJ slipped in the pool as well. The pool was hot from the sun hours before but it felt nice. Nicer than the open hot air.

"Thank you." I said smiling up at JJ who had his arm around me as we sat on the step, the start of the movie was now playing.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my temple,

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