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"The family reunion ive been dying to have." I said walking into the room where Rose, Rafe and Ward were.

"Woah- Addison. Put down the gun." Rose said looking at me with wide eyes.

"I totally would but you see." I took a sharp inhale, "I'm a Cameron, it's not in my blood to put it down. If it was, then we wouldn't be in this mess would we?" I asked looked at the three cowarding. For once I was ontop, I called the shots and they weren't going to push Me Around.

"Addison come on it was a mistake." Ward stated, "put down the gun and we can talk about this like adults."

"I'm not an adult Ward. I'm 17 fucking years old so stop treating me like an adult when I'm a child! This entire year has been people like you putting me in situations that adults can't even phantom. You don't know how it feels to watch everyone you love die! You killed my mom Ward. And now I'm going to kill you and eveyone you've ever loved because that's what you deserve. You don't deserve to rot in jail or get the satisfaction of getting one last word in. You get to be at the end of my gun." I stated, tears ran down my face as I waved the gun around at the three.

"Addison please. I'm sorry- were sorry." Ward said.

"No your not." I huffed shaking my head, "Your sorry you got caught."

"Addie this isn't who you are. You aren't a murderer." Rose said to me.

"I'm a fucking Cameron! These crazy genes have been planning my downfall for my entire life. The same blood that runs through these assholes runs through me, rose and you know it. You know I'm just as bad as these two. Just messed up as them. You two are insane and at least I acknowledge I'm insane! You guys have hurt everyone that I've ever loved! So now I'm going to do the same to you."

Rafe clicked his tounge , "keep blabbing your mouth and waving that gun around, talking about how much you want to kill us. I'm starting to doubt your commitment."

I raised my eyebrows at the boy before lowering the gun laughing slightly. One shot went off busting the glass that Rafe was holding in his hands.

"Wow. Now I've got your attention? Really? That's all it took. I took fire arm classes for 5 years I know my way around a gun." I stated looking at the three, "I want you to call this ship back to shore."

Ward scoffed, "if rather be dead."

"Woo! We'll then do I have some good news for you dad." I said smiling at man.

"You'll lose everything if you do this Addison." Rose said.

"I already have. Lost. Everything, Rose and I think that's the part you aren't understand. You guys took everything away from me and I'll do the same to you. Im not one of those people who believes in being the bigger person, I'll treat you exactly how you treat me." I shook my head at them, spewing my words like lava as every ounce of pain that they have caused me fueled it.

"You'll lose your boyfriend. JJ right? What is he going to do when your in jail?" Ward asked.

My lips turned into a big grin, "JJs the one who gave me the gun."

I walked forward pressing the gun to the front of wards head looking at him squirm. "You Ward. Will die one day by my bullet. No one else's alright?" I whispered to him.

"Attention all passengers and crew. Report to the tween forward hull. That's an order." The captain said over the speaker. I laughed slightly shaking my head and pulling the gun away uncocking it.
"I pray you never take a breath without remembering the breaths you took away." I said to him.

"I'll let you squirm." I stated, "I'll see y'all after the meeting alright? Not much room for y'all to hide."
I turned my body around, still facing them however as I walked out the door and back outside.

Electric Love 𓇽 JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now