Chapter 40: Birthday Wishes

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Roman ran up to me and twirled me before letting me sit down. "You look so beautiful darling." He said.

"Thanks babe, it's all thanks to you."

I smiled digging into the pancakes. Everyone around me spoke with each other, everyone gleeful and happy. It was actually quite special because I loved seeing other people happy. I knew I was happy at this moment scarfing down chocolate chip pancakes.

After we all ate, we ended up heading outside where I was greeted with a garden party. It was set up so everyone was able to sit, paint, and eat little sandwiches and drink tea or coffee. It was really splendid.

We all painted scenery and laughed at each other for being so horrible at it, except for Muriel, who did an A ++++ job. Apparently it was her idea to do this garden party and Mrs. Clabourgs idea for chocolate chip pancakes this morning. About an hour went by before we headed over to the other side of the house where I was greeted with men on stilts. I laughed in delight.

"Okay who set up a whole circus out here?" I said laughing.

"Eros!" Everyone chimed.

There was a whole circus going on in the backyard and it baffled me that Eros could have even orchestrate this. It looked like everyone was having fun, even Fallon who was laughing at one of the clown performers who had fallen because of a banana.

About an hour and a half had passed before we all were directed to the Library.  Inside the library stood a woman with short black hair. I recognized her almost instantly. She was one of my favorite authors. I was internally freaking out.

"We found out you liked Lang Leav," Stacy began.

"So we invited her." Britney finished.

"But how? We're in Alaska!" My mouth dropped finding Ms. Leav was staring straight at me with a smile.

"Connections," was the first thing she said before walking towards me. We talked for a little bit before she got everyone to quiet down. She talked to us about her life and how she got started. After, she read us a couple of her beautiful poems. She was so nice and so gentle, just as I had imagined her.

Once she was done, I noticed another hour had past.  It was now about 2 p.m. before we made our way back outside where we were greeted with a cookout for lunch. There was hotdogs, hamburgers, beef and chicken kabobs, grilled vegetables, and so much more.

This was becoming such a good day. All the food was amazing and the company was too. Everyone decided it was a good time to play some crab soccer which was really hard to do since the grown was frozen and most of us slipped trying to score the goals. But we had so much fun being on all fours. I laughed every time someone fell and laughed even harder when I fell.

The day continued on with more games and food until it was time for my "surprise" but in all honesty I felt like everything that happened today was a surprise to me. I left with Roman upstairs so that I could get ready but before I left to my room, Roman handed me another box but it was slightly bigger than the first box.

I smiled at him, taking it. "Let me guess, another dress?"

"Yes, but better." He said genuinely.

"How can anything be better than the dress I'm wearing?" I asked.

"This." He said as he taped on the box.

I laughed as I shook my head. "Your funny." I replied. "Thank you. I appreciate the love today."

"Babe, I want you to feel loved everyday." He kissed my forehead before I turned and went into my room.

I placed the box down and opened it. I gasped at how beautiful it was. Roman was right it was better than the dress I was wearing. It was a grayish purple dress with diamond rhinestones on the boob part of the body. It was absolutely stunning. The bottom was made of chiffon materials and the top felt like satin.

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