Chapter 10: The Twins

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I looked at Roman, then back to the person across from me. They had similar features, except the boy sitting across from me had curly hair.

"Luna, this is my brother Gabe," Roman said as he sat down.

I literally just stared, not knowing what to say.

"Are you okay?" Gabe asked me worriedly.

"Uh-uh um...are you guys twins?" I asked stupidly.

Gabe and Roman laughed, obviously amused by my reaction.

"Yeah, we're twins, Luna," Roman said.

Why did I pick that moment to look stupid? It wasn't like I haven't seen twins before...nope...wait, it really was. "I-I'm sorry...I've just never met or seen twins before."

It was their turn to look shocked. "Are you serious?" they asked at the very same time. Wow. Talk about twinning. Not of my own accord, I snickered and it seemed to stay in the air looming around our ears.

"Yeah...why is that so shocking?" I asked, retaining my sense of thought. They both just shrugged. This was really weird. "It's nice to meet you," I said to Gabe, who was working on something sitting on the table in front of him.

"It's nice to meet you too," he said looking up at me. He opened his mouth, like he was about to speak, but then closed it back up again.

"Were you about to say something?" I asked, not knowing why I didn't just let him not say anything. It was what I did. I didn't ask anyone any questions unless they spoke to me. I wasn't social. It was because people weren't nice to me, but Roman and Gabe seemed nice. It seemed like only guys were being nice to me. Girls didn't seem to like me, well except for Catina, but she never told me she liked me...It was like girls couldn't just talk to me one on one.

"I'm not sure I should ask," Gabe said looking over to his brother Roman.

"I don't bite," I said with a friendly smile.

He smirked like he had a secret to hide. "Well, I was going to ask you about Fallon." My mood instantly worsened from just hearing her name. Gabe's expression changed as he saw my facial expression change from traces of a smile to cold. "See, I shouldn't have said don't seem pleased with her as the subject," he said quickly.

I started to feel bad. I didn't want him to feel bad too, so I took a deep breath. "No, it's fine. What's your question?"

He looked at me with unsure eyes, but he asked the question anyway. "Well what kind of beef do you have with Fallon? Or what exactly does Fallon have on you?"

"I can honestly tell you that I don't know what her problem is with me...I don't have any beef with her..."

'Except the fact that she keeps picking on me...' I thought.

"She didn't seem like the Fallon we knew," I looked at him, with a strange expression on my face.

"You know or knew Fallon?" I asked intrigued by this new information that I had come across.

Gabe looked to Roman as Roman gave him a look that said "drop it, now." Gabe looked back to me and then back down to whatever he was working on.

"Oh, no you don't," I said. "You are going to tell me." I looked over to Roman. "Roman?" I asked to see if he would reply to me. He looked at me, but he wasn't staring into my eyes. That was one thing I knew about people from years observing various individuals. When they didn't want to be having a conversation that's uncomfortable, they don't look you in the eye before, when, or after you talk. "Please?" I asked again. When no one answered, I decided to let it go...until someone from the table spoke.

Snow PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora