Chapter 27: Charmers

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  I could feel my lungs pushing against the walls of my chest as if it were drying out with no more air left to breathe. I was trying to gasp for anything but only felt like it was an indefinite sign that I wouldn't be able to inhale any air any longer. 

This feeling suddenly got taken away from me as I heard yells all around me like it was surrounding me. I couldn't understand what they were saying or what was going on. All I saw in front of me was a dark void as if I couldn't open my eyes at all. Then I found my body being risen from what was a hard surface against my back. I heard the yells and screams get louder. I couldn't breathe properly. It was strange because I would say that I was hyperventilating. 

I found my body stone cold in air but then slammed so hard onto my back again it winded me. I heard the yells and screams around me stop. They were replaced by growls and whimpers. I could feel myself breathe again and even found myself relax a little bit before a fur like blanket was places all around me to give me comfort and heat. The world then blacked out around me and I silently slipped into slumber again.... 

"Adisa this is too much for her body. We can't keep doing this to her. All she's going to be doing here is laying here wounded with no defenses."

"Eros. Would you stop being so naïve. She's not defenseless. Not with her army and yours. She just needs to rest. Her body will heal from the attack and she will wake up anew in a short time. I know she can hear us Eros if you look to her ears. Don't say that she can't and be even more naïve. The girl is strong. She's lasted her whole life to this. She just doesn't remember but she will in time after she wakes up."

"I don't suppose your planning to tell her are you?"

"I don't have to, in time their work here will have damaged her spell blocks. She will know truth soon."

"What if she can't bear it?"

"She has too. For the sake of our worlds." I heard Adisa say before I drifted into another restless sleep. 

This time I was dancing in the sky. The clouds were so thick I jumped from one to another and kept twirling as if I was a little girl again. I imagined myself being whisked away to a far land in the sky when I was younger and dreamed about it every night to keep reality away from me. This was that same dream. The castle in the sky was made out of ice and the clouds around it would blow into the castle a cool snowflake breeze where it would slide off the castle iced slides into piles of soft pillow beds where I would lay my head down and smile. It was truly my happy place and I wish I could stay in this dream forever. 

"Please wake up my princess." I heard Roman's voice whispering into my ear. "Wake up sweetie. I miss you." I could feel his touch against my arm and my eyes fluttered open. Roman was looking at me and smiled a gentle smile. "Thank God. I thought you never were going to wake up."

I just stared at him for a little admiring how much I missed his face. My eyes felt a little heavy as well as my face but I managed to smile a small loving smile at the boy that I loved. "What happened?" I asked in almost a whisper.

"Well..." Roman started but got interrupted by the tents flaps pushing back and Eros barging in.

"Your awake. Thank the heavens." Eros boomed and rushed to my side squeezing my shoulders. "How are you feeling?"

"For starters, I don't feel good. I feel like I've just been ran over a bus and I'm very sore." I chuckled. "But I really need to know, what happened. I know I haven't just been laying here. I was in and out of consciousness where I think it's been days now, from how Roman is acting." I looked to Roman knowingly.

"Luna, I'm not going to cherry coat anything to you. Because I feel like you deserve a little truth right now. Yes, you have been in and out of consciousness for a couple days now. You have gone through the ins and outs of the healers treatment and you've gone through a battle. These past days have been rough young one."

"What do you mean by a battle, Eros? Is that why I felt like there was so many surrounding my tent?" I asked him a little more intensely.

"Yes Luna, there was a battle." Adisa said as she came in with a tray of food. I smelled the supple lunch that was filled with applesauce, pumpkin bread, and chocolate milk. My stomach pushed an agreeance with my not so dry mouth. "Here, eat child. You need your strength." She placed the food and continued to talk as I ate. "There were charmers." She sighed. "Charmers are almost like sorceress or witches, if you believe in them. But charmers are ugly in their voices and beautiful to your face. They pretty much could have killed you. Lucky for you, they didn't and we stopped them."

"Why were they trying to kill me?" I asked almost choking on my bread remembering I couldn't breathe.

"Oh mija, that's another story for another day. I shouldn't overwhelm you. We need you to rest. After you done eating and dress. Come to the commons area. We have much, much to discuss." She said and grabbed Eros by his arm leaving me and Roman in the tent alone.

"Roman, why do I have a sinking feeling that this is just the start to something horrible?"

Roman couldn't answer, his lips just pursed to the side concerned. He then leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I'm not sure, but everything is going to be okay. I'm here. Okay?"

"Okay..." Is all I could manage before eating the rest of my food and getting dressed as quickly as I could.


Author's note: It's been so long! But since I have a couple days off I decided to continue writing this story for you all. I hope you enjoy and give me opinions as the story goes on!

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