Chapter 2: Know thy enemies

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All the girls turned to me. They didn't look the least bit sympathetic. I didn't really care why because I knew.

Fallon looked at me and started to snicker. "Looks like Luna here can't handle a bit of work, ladies. Next time, when I get double the chores, you'll be doing them," Fallon said as she walked off with a glare.

That girl gave me problems every second she could, but I never stood up to her or any of the other girls in that case. I didn't see the point in trying to pick a fight. It was useless. But I did know a little about Fallon.

Just a month before, the girls were piling up leaves because our keeper was watching and they couldn't just get me to do it. I was minding my own business, raking the leaves, and far away from the girls.

When I glanced over to where the other girls were working, I saw Fallon and another girl. They were away from Mrs. Salazar so she couldn't see what they were doing. I hadn't known who the girl was, but she and Fallon seemed pretty close. They hugged and then the other girl gave Fallon something, but instead of just handing it to her, she slipped it in Fallon's pocket. I saw the contents before she quickly hid them.

The other girl wasn't fast enough at hiding the parcel in Fallon's pocket. I saw that the contents consisted of drugs. Fallon did them. I wanted to tell on her, but I knew it wasn't the right time to do that. As much as I hated her, I couldn't just do that for nothing.

Then I saw Fallon go back to work. Later that night, I heard her get out of bed and go outside. Out of curiosity, I followed. She ended up going outside because she went to smoke. I was really surprised. I never told anyone about it.

I got up from the floor to go to class. I never talked to any of the girls. I was as quiet as a mouse. I headed to the study room, which was also known as the classroom. It had desks for us to sit in and a white board to write on.

In any orphanage I went to, we all were homeschooled. I didn't understand why we were held against our will in the house. We all got allowances to shop during special occasions, and I usually got the least for unknown reasons. That's why the other girls dressed better than me.

But that wasn't the only reason. Most of the girls shop lifted too. Once, I tried to make friends with Catina, but she ended up being really rude to me. I tried walking away, but before I could turn around, I saw she stuck something from the shelf into her bag. I was shocked to see she didn't think twice about it.

All the girls were in the classroom already. I always sat in the front, while the other girls sat behind me. Our teacher was really attractive. He was one of those guys you see in advertisements like Calvin Klein.

He was definitely attractive with black tousled short hair. It was scruffy around the chin and upper lip. His eye brows were thick but still styled well. He had perfect features and under his shirts,  I imagined him with a perfect chiseled chest. All the things I imagine of Mr. Maple or Sam is his first name.

I always felt a chill whenever he passed me. It was odd. It wasn't like sparks flew or anything either. It felt like a slight winter breeze.

He walked in just as I thought of that. He always looked happy when he came in. It made me feel happy to see him happy. I know, it's weird, and it's even weirder to have a slight crush on your teacher but he wasn't that old. He was only 23.

Whenever he would look my way, I would look down because I was shy. He had the same effect with the other girls too because whenever he walked in, the others would giggle. He always would ignore them though.

Classes were my favorite part of the day. Mr. Maple taught the most fun lessons. It helped that I was good in all subjects too, but that was just because I studied hard.

Once Mr. Maple got settled in, he got started with math. He talked about square roots. Then asked the class a question on the lesson he just lectured about.

I raised my hand knowing the answer. The teacher called on me and I spoke the answer. He looked impressed and everyone stared at me like I was a freak. Then Fallon opened her mouth.

"Ewwwwwww math germs! Get away from me!" she complained.

So I was good at math. It was more than I could say for her.

"Fallon, I don't tolerate that in my class," Mr. Maple stated. "Now apologize."

Fallon looked over to him then to me. She didn't look pleased at all to be saying what would come out of her mouth. "Sorry Luna." Then she slumped back in her chair and started filing her nails.

Sam turned back to me and smiled which made my heart flutter. I didn't understand why Mrs. Salazar would hire someone so attractive. I mentally kicked myself. I needed to stop thinking about him like that, but as a teacher instead.

"Luna, that was correct. Thank you for always answering," he said to me, and then looked at the rest of the class. "Now ladies, I need an answer from someone besides Luna. Show some more effort!"

They all nodded their heads. We all had worksheets that we worked on until lunch.

Lunch time hit then and everyone was around the table. I was minding my own business eating potatoes when Fallon looked at me.

"You shouldn't be eating carbs. You are a little chubby, honey," she told me in a big sister way, but really I knew she was just trying to get under my skin.

"You're one to talk Fallon," Kelsey spat out. "You eat carbs all the time. One day all that will go down to your hips." Ouch. It wasn't like any of the girls to stick up for me, but sometimes I wondered if they didn't stand up to her because they didn't want to be Fallon's next victim.

Fallon was the worst out of the girls. She always had this chip on her shoulder, even if she said the insults in her sweetest voice. Behind those eyes was just pure hate to the world.

I didn't say anything and just looked away. One thing I knew not to do was provoke thy enemy.

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