With a heavy sigh, Heyder shook his head. He reached out and took Maya's hand. She let him bring it up to his lips, but pulled away when he tried to place a kiss upon it. Heyder, heartbroken by her action, let her hand go. He watched her pull away and stick her hands into her pockets.

"I can't do this on my own," he said looking into her blue eyes. "I need your help."

"I can't help you if you won't tell me anything," Maya turned away and took several long steps through the snow. Heyder felt his chest tighten with every step she took away from him.

"There's a war coming, Maya," he finally said, his voice loud and clear over the howling wind.

Maya paused once more and looked over her shoulder, "What?"

"We need to get the ophiotaurus," Heyder said. "I think it will be our only chance at winning."

"What war?" Maya turned around. "With who?"

"I don't know all the details, but I've seen it," Heyder's eyes flickered to the palace and then to Maya.

She saw the restlessness in him and the uneasiness of the way he shifted around. As if he himself was pulling her, Maya moved closer to him. Toe to toe, she paused and looked up into his eyes.

"There was blood everywhere," Heyder said, looking into Maya's eyes. "Your family, my people, Pixies, mermaids, vampires."

Maya held her breath as each word he spoke frightened her to her core. She felt his hand rest on her waist as he held her close to him. Through their layers of clothing, Maya could feel Heyder's heart hammering against his chest.

"You believe me, don't you?" Heyder asked with a hint of desperacy in his voice.

Maya nodded her head. "Yes, I believe you."

"I need your help," Heyder said slowly. "We need to find the ophiotaurus. It is the only advantage we will have."

"How....how do you know all this?"

"I will tell you everything when it's safe," Heyder lifted his other hand and brushed his knuckles over Maya's cheek. "Will you help me?"

"Yes," Maya nodded. "But you need to stop doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Touching me," Maya stopped his hand and placed his down beside the jinn.

"You don't like it?" The corner of Heyder's lips curved up.

"It will send the wrong signal to people," Maya tried to take a step back, but Heyder wouldn't let her budge.

"That's not what I asked, your grace."




"Make me."

Maya lifted her eyes, "Kiss me."

"What?" Heyder blinked in shock and confusion as he let go of Maya and took a step back.

"I win," Maya smiled before she turned toward the path. "I am just going to help you with the ophiotaurus and then that's it. You go your way and I'll go my way."

"But I can't," Heyder jogged up behind her.

"That's not my problem," Maya shrugged.

"Maya," Heyder tried to reach for her hand once more, but Maya jumped away.

"No touchy!"

"You're being ridiculous," Heyder rolled his eyes.

"If I am going to help you then we need to set up boundaries," Maya said as she got on the path and paused. "No touching, no flirting, no talking about us in any capacity."

The Daughter of Time (Ace of Queens #6)Where stories live. Discover now