Chapter 11

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Zen's POV

Did I just see a smile on her face?! She looked beautiful! This smile washed all my worries and anger away. It was like looking at an angel which will heal you from all your pain. For some reason I wanted to protect this smile and held onto it until the end of my life. Wait what am I even thinking?!

>>I think this is the first time I saw you smile Cera!<< Nova cheered. Cera blushed at those words and tried to hide her face a bit.

>>You should smile more often. You look really beautiful than!<< Aurora agreed. Directly after Aurora's words hit Cera, her smile vanished and was replaced with her sad and teary face again. >>Sorry did I say something wrong?<< She asked with regret.

>>No, I am sorry!<< apologized Cera. >>It was not your fault... It was just... I do not have a lot of things to be happy about...<< We all looked at her with a worried face. I never expected this to be her answer. I'm sure she must have had some rough times since she is the daughter of the wealthiest family in town, but still shouldn't her life be like a fairytale. I bet every girl would give hers away to change with her princess lifestyle. So why... why is this girl so sad and gloomy all the time? Of course, her magic is something out of this world but is this really the case why she is so sad?!

Cidalia's POV

After I said those words all three looked at me with a surprised expression. I bet they thought that my life was some kind of a fairytale. Beautiful, perfect and the happiest place to live in. Well, I am sorry that I had to shatter those expectations. My life was never and will never be perfect. I am trapped in my own miserable life, and I will never get out of it. I will die just like I came to this world. Alone, sad, broken, and unloved...

>>I'm sure it must be hard for you, that you can't see your family right now. Am I right Cera...? I'm sure you wanna see you mother and father.<< Nova spoke to me with this innocent voice. What is she talking? No that is not it! I felt how my emotions started to go crazy again. Why would she say something like this? This girl has no idea what was going on in my life, so why would she talk like she knew?! Why does she think she knows exactly how my life worked? Calm down Cera... Everything is ok... Do not let your emotions take control over you again!

>>It must be nice to have a family... Spending some time with them...<< No this is not how my life is.

>>I'm really jealous; you know. I can't even imagine how it must feel to have a family since I lost mine at a very young age!<< Tears started to run down my cheeks. Please stop talking that is all a lie. Why won't you just stop!

>>I miss my mom's hug. I bet your parents must be so proud of you and hug you all the time. Eating together, having fun together... It's so wonderful and it seems like heaven!<< It is not! It is a living hell!

>>I'm sure you must always feel like a Princess. You have a big house, a wealthy family and parents who care about you!<< Stop talking please! That is all a lie! I felt my inside starting to burn because of her words. She had no idea and yet she spoke like she knew my whole life. My wonderful life. I sat there crying like hell while she talked about my demonical family which seemed so perfect in her eyes.

>>Please don't cry. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I bet your family misses you too!<< No, they do not! That is not true! >>They love you...<< No stop this I do not wanna here this nonsense anymore! >>Just as you do <<

>>NO, I DO NOT! I HATE THOSE DEMONIC BASTARTS WHO DESTROYED MY LIFE!<< I did not realize that I shouted the last words at them. Zen, Aurora, and Nova looked at me in shock. More tears were starting to run down while I had a complete breakdown. >>I am begging you! Just stop speaking of them like they were the most admirable people in the word. Those two humans do not deserve this gratitude! You say that you are jealous of my lifestyle?! Well, here is a fact, I am JEALOUS OF YOUR LIFESTYLE! All those years I have been treated like a puppet. I was good enough for my parents when I acted their way! They never loved me! THEY WERE JUST USING ME! ALL THOSE TIMES... ALL THOSE YEARS I WAS MENTALLY AND PHYSICALY ABUSED; THEY BROKE MY HEART! MY SOUL! AND MY BODY! IF YOU WANT TO HAVE THIS LIFE SO BADLY THAN PLEASE GO AHEAD AND TAKE IT! I DO NOT WANT IT ANYMORE! I do not want to be a doll which acts like everyone expects her to do! I want to live free for the very first time in my life!<<

I could feel how my body worked against me. My sight got fuzzy, tears streamed down like a waterfall and my mind was spinning crazy. I felt losing control of it every second and there was nothing to take it back. I felt their surprised stares all over my body, even if I could not see them due to my watery eyes. My body temperature dropped again, and I felt my magic rising inside my body. It seems like those handcuffs were still too weak to hold my magic back. That was when I felt a warm and strong hand on my shoulder. When I looked up, I saw into those amazing red eyes. He calmed me down again... It felt like he would take me into a completely different world. I felt relaxed and calm all of a sudden. But why? Why is this working? Why does he even care about me? I am just his prisoner like I am to my parents, so why does he act so different from them. His eyes, I can sense he cares... but why?!

My breathing returned to normal and before I could react, I was pulled into a hug by three people. Aurora, Zen, and Nova got around me and hugged me! What is this feeling? I never felt this warm and comfortable feeling before. Tears ran down my cheeks, but this time it was different than from my normal cries. This time my chest did not hurt; it felt warm and pleasured. I buried my face into one of their chests. I did not know which one since my sight was still blurry due to my tears, but I did not care anyways. My whole body just screamed for this feeling and this time I finally gave in to my needs.

We remained in this position for quite a while. No one dared to make a move or spoke up, only my whimpering was audible. After some time, I felt how sleep fell upon my body and finally, after all those years I felt relaxed and saved while I closed my eyes and let myself get taken by the restful dark. 

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