Chapter 18

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Zen's POV

It's been three days since we were captured by the police. Three days where we were beaten up, nearly starved to death, and treated like pesky insects you never want to have in your house. I never would have thought that something like this would ever happen to me but here I am, restrained to the freaking cell wall in a basement in the local city prison. Aurora, Nova, and I were separated from each other and put into different cells on different floors, after they brought us here. Since then, I haven't seen neither of them; and saying I was scared didn't even describe it in the least how I felt. I was terrified. Terrified that I won't see my friends or better said my family ever again. I already knew what they did to me, so even thinking about the fact that they obviously treat Aurora and Nova the same way as me, made me sick to my stomach. I never wanted those two to suffer like this. I remembered Nova's last words before we were separated from each other:

>>Zen I'm scared...<< There was so much terror in her eyes and voice that it broke my heart to see her like this. She shouldn't be the one who has to take so much burden on her shoulders. She was just a kid who wanted to find happiness.

>>Take him out of the cell!<< A deep dark voice roared making me finally look up after I was deeply lost in my thoughts. I saw three officers walking up to me and freeing me from the restrains on the wall but left the cuffs around my wrists. There we go again... I thought and already knew what kind of torture would come; but something seemed off since we didn't go the usual way we went when they picked me up for a new interrogation.

>>LET GO OF ME! I DON'T WANT TO GO!<< Wait this is Nova's voice! What is going on here. I was shoved outside and saw how Nova and Aurora were pushed harshly into a police car.

>>It's sad that you three must leave us. We really had some fun and nice three days!<< The head police officer smirked at me before I was pulled into a car as well. >>But well, the society wants justice for what you did to the governor's daughter!<< My eyes widened at his sneering laugh before the doors were shut. I already knew that they probably want to kill us since we were a threat to the whole system, and this is just the society we live in. If you are against the government, they will eliminate you to protect their so-called peace. But I had hoped that we could do at least something to prevent it from happening; but in the end it was just one of my stupid wishes to prevent the unavoidable...

The next one-hour drive felt like an eternity to me, and I just wish that everything would end fast. Maybe we all had luck and get a better time in the next life... I just hope that Cera will be alright. I don't want to imagine about the kind of torture she had to go through. I think she could be lucky if they only stick to beating her up and this thought made me want to vomit all again. I heard from some officers, that she was mentally completely broken and nearly doesn't spoke to anyone. Of course, the whole city blames the kidnappers for this outcome; but I knew that it was her family who made her react like this.

>>We're here!<< One of the officers shouted and in the next minute I was pulled out of the car and shoved up to a podium. To my surprise thousands of people were gathered around the podium, screaming, and shouting names at me. Some were even throwing things like rotten fruits or stones. I tried to stay calm, but my insides were going crazy. I was sad, angry, and terrified all together. How can a civil society react like this? This was just messed up. I was brought up to the podium next to Nova and Aurora. All three of us were pushed down to our knees and sat now in front of an angry crowd while three officers stood behind each of us with a gun holding to our heads. Nova was crying silently as her body trembled in fear. Meanwhile Aurora tried to stay calm, but I could see that she felt the same like me. Well, it seems like this would be our end... Aurora... Nova... I am sorry for everything... I knew I couldn't say those words but reading the faces of my two friends showed me that they understood my massage. At least our last days with Cera were the happiest we had in our lives; and this makes it up for the other days we were put through sorrow and pain.

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