Chapter 5

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Cidalia's POV

I woke up surrounded by pure darkness. It reminded me of my room, but this darkness felt different. It felt cold but still I was not scared which was kind of odd. But knowing that I was not at my so-called home was a relieve. After I accustomed myself to the darkness, I inspected the room. I laid on a big bed, not as big as my princess like bed but still huge and kind of comfortable. On the right side was a small sink and a Mirror hanging above it. On my left side was a wooden table and chair. Slowly I tried to get up, that was when I realized, that my hands were tied up with handcuffs. Forcefully I tried to break the chains apart, but the steel would not break or change its form. After a while I gave in and sighted in defeat. There was no way that I would be able to open or destroy them. What am I even doing here? Is this a punishment from the governor?! Maybe he will keep me locked up in here for days only to demonstrate his power over me! How could I thought that I would be finally free from him? Of course, this was all his plan from the very beginning! I felt my eyes filling up with tears. I could never escape him; he will always be there and watch over me. Making my life a miserable hell and controlling every movement of me. . She held a glass of water in her hands.

>>You're finally awake.<< She spoke in a gentle and calming voice while I looked down. I was too scared to look her directly into her eyes. It was a terrible habit I have formed during my miserable live. Since the governor hated eye contact with me, I usually looked down while talking towards others. She reached the glass of water towards me. >>You must be thirsty, here you go.<< Her voice was gentle and warm. But I knew that this was a trap. The governor would use a beautiful kindhearted woman to let me believe that this situation is different than all the others before and I would start to trust her. It is a test; he is testing me to see if I will open up to someone who his kind, only to threaten me afterwards. The water is probably poisoned which will immobilize my body and makes me limb for the next hours. I still looked down, I did not want to make a move or sound to provoke her. I just hoped that this situation will stop.

>>Are you ok? Don't be scared this water isn't poisoned or anything. We won't harm you. I know you must be confused but don't worry our boss will explain everything to you, just be more patient for the time being.<< I still did not look up. Tears started to fell on the double sheets, leaving small wet points on it. The girl tried to comfort me by putting her hand on my left shoulder, but I shrieked back, making small whining sounds. My body shivered. >>I'll leave the water on the table if you want to drink something later...<< She said and left the room again.

What is going on? She was pretty kind, but I cannot trust her. It was just a trap. I should stay obedient and try to not move around and make any sounds. Maybe the governor will let me free again then. I mean this was a way to demonstrate his power. I ignored his orders and destroyed the hall with my magic, no wonder he would keep me locked up in here for days. It was also a good publicity... HE will probably come to save me from the so-called villains, who are just some of the governor's workers. It was a perfect plan. I will get tortured and abused due to my inappropriate behavior and HE and the governor will be the incredible heroes who will come for my safety. Everyone will get what they deserve...

Zen's POV

I turned around when I heard steps coming from the stairs. Aurora came into my sight, she looked troubled and kind of sad. >>Hey, are you ok?<< I asked her in concern.

>>Huh?... oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just... I feel sorry for her...<<

>>What do you mean? She is our prisoner! Don't treat her like a friend! She will be fine if she just listens to our boss. He will let her free when he has everything, he wants from her. So, there is no need for you to feel guilty!<<

>>That's not it, I mean there's something about her which makes me worried. It seems like she went through a lot. I can feel it, she was even scared of a glass of water!<<

>>What a scaredy-cat!<< I laughed. >>This girl probably just misses her house and parents. Of course, she would fear her kidnappers, so don't overthink this whole situation, just make sure she gets some food and water before the boss comes back. He will take care of the rest!<<

For the remaining evening everything went on quiet. Nova was sitting in her favorite armchair in the living room, reading one of her books. Aurora made tea for everyone while I was studying one of the magic spell books. Around nine o'clock the boss finally came back and looked at us in concern. Without an answer we just pointed towards the stairs. 

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